- Skalbimo mašinų dalys
- Skalbyklių vandens išleidimo siurbliai (pompos) (147)
- Skalbyklių kaitinimo elementai (tenai) (142)
- Skalbyklių amortizatoriai, atramos, sujungimo remėliai (99)
- Skalbyklių diržai (320)
- Guoliai (149)
- Skalbyklių riebokšliai (347)
- Skalbyklių kryžmės, vidiniai, išoriniai bakai, būgno dangčiai (141)
- Skalbyklių guoliavietės (guolinės) (70)
- Skalbyklių durų tarpinės (375)
- Skalbyklių rankenėlės, mygtukai, stalčiai, panelės, laikikliai ir kt. (355)
- Skalbyklių durys, stiklai, durų stiklo žiedai, apdailos detalės (106)
- Skalbyklių durų vyriai (62)
- Skalbyklių durų užraktai (blokatoriai) (172)
- Skalbyklių vožtuvai ir vožtuvų ritės (81)
- Skalbyklių žarnos (būgno, padavimo, išleidimo) (181)
- Skalbyklių siurblio filtrai, filtravietės, dangteliai ir kt. (89)
- Skalbyklių variklių angliniai šėpetėliai (47)
- Skalbyklių varikliai (62)
- Skalbyklių būgno mentės (72)
- Skalbyklių diržo skriemuliai (ratai) (24)
- Skalbyklių valdymo moduliai (elektroninės plokštės, blokai) (401)
- Skalbyklių jungikliai (48)
- Skalbyklių jutikliai (sensoriai - slėgio, padėties, plovimo priemonių) (50)
- Skalbyklių termostatai (27)
- Skalbyklių temperatūriniai davikliai (termodavikliai) (12)
- Skalbyklių kondensatoriai (96)
- Skalbyklių tinklo filtrai (14)
- Skalbyklių laikmačiai (taimeriai), tacho ritės (13)
- Skalbyklių dozatoriai, vandens paskirstymo mechanizmai, įkrovos davikliai (11)
- Įrankiai (atsuktuvai, galvutės, el. įrankiai, instaliacinės medžiagos ir kt.)
- Skalbimo mašinos skalbimo, valymo, nukalkinimo priemonės ir aksesuarai (26)
- Šaldytuvų, šaldiklių dalys
- Šaldytuvų ir šaldiklių stalčiai, lentynos, laikikliai ir kt. (696)
- Šaldytuvų durų rankenos (132)
- Šaldytuvų durų tarpinės, durys (243)
- Šaldytuvo durų vyriai, montavimo dalys (82)
- Šaldytuvų vandens filtrai ir komponentai (74)
- Šaldytuvų lemputės (10)
- Šaldytuvų termostatai (140)
- Šaldytuvų davikliai, sensoriai (el. termostatai) (62)
- Šaldytuvų elektroninės valdymo plokštės (moduliai), valdikliai, sklendės (85)
- Pramoninių šaldytuvų, virtrinų, šaldymo kamerų el. valdikliai, jų komponentai (19)
- Šaldytuvų ventiliatoriai ir sparnuotės (153)
- Šaldytuvų kaitinimo elementai (50)
- Kompresoriai (varikliai) (132)
- Šaldytuvų kompresorių paleidimo rėlės (27)
- Šaldytuvų kondensatoriai (paleidimo) (13)
- Šaldytuvų jungikliai (21)
- Lydmetalis ir fliusai (20)
- Šaldytuvų filtrai (35)
- Šaldymo sistemos užpildymo vamzdeliai (ventiliai) (8)
- Šaldytuvų garintuvai, kondensatoriai (33)
- Šaldytuvų ir šaldymo technikos remonto įrankiai (55)
- Vakuuminiai siurbliai (pompos), atsiurbimo stotelės, jų priedai (27)
- Manometrai, žarnos, kraneliai bei movos - kondicionierių pildymo įranga (109)
- Cheminiai priedai šaldymo technikos remonto darbams (dažai, klijai, skysčiai) (30)
- Šaldytuvų variniai vamzdeliai, kapiliarai, izoliacijos, sujungimai (34)
- Filtrai pramoniniams šaldytuvams ir šaldymo įrenginiams (12)
- Šaldytuvų veržlės (pramoniniams filtrams, šaldymo agentų balionams) (16)
- Skysčio ir drėgmės indikatoriai (matuoklės) (26)
- Slėgio rėlės pramoniniams šaldytuvams (4)
- Solenoidiniai vožtuvai, ritės, plėtimosi vožtuvai (TRV) (16)
- Plėtimosi vožtuvo purkštukai (TRV adatos) (6)
- Šaldymo agentų talpos
- Šaldytuvų taimeriai (laikmačiai) (10)
- Termometrai (18)
- Indaplovių dalys
- Indaplovės indų ir stalo įrankių krepšeliai, ratukai ir laikikliai (48)
- Indaplovių filtrai (12)
- Indaplovių žarnos (padavimo, išpylimo), vandens padavimo vamzdžiai (57)
- Indaplovių (nukalkinimo, valymo, nuriebalinimo, plovimo priemonės) bei aksesuarai (23)
- Indaplovės vandens vožtuvai, slėgio davikliai (41)
- Indaplovės vandens purkštuvai (sparnuotės) ir jų dalys (64)
- Indaplovės plovimo priemonių stalčiai (jų dalys), vandens konteineriai, druskos talpos (31)
- Indaplovių montavimo komplektai, korpuso ir apdailos detalės, atramos (30)
- Indaplovės durų ir kitos tarpinės (53)
- Indaplovių durų užraktai (16)
- Indaplovės durų vyriai, lankstai, virvutės (44)
- Indaplovės vandens srauto matuoklės (14)
- Indaplovės siurbliai ir varikliai (94)
- Indaplovės cirkuliacinio siurblio antgaliai (turbinos) (6)
- Indaplovės cirkuliacinio siurblio sparnuotės su riebokšliu (21)
- Indaplovės riebokšliai (16)
- Indaplovės kaitinimo elementai (37)
- Indaplovės termodavikliai, termostatai (39)
- Indaplovės jungikliai (20)
- Indaplovės elektroninės plokštės (moduliai) (79)
- Indaplovės rankenėlės (9)
- Džiovyklių dalys
- Elektrinių ir dujinių viryklių, orkaičių dalys
- Orkaičių durų tarpinės, sandarinimo gumos (61)
- El. viryklių (orkaičių) durų vyriai (50)
- Orkaičių durų stiklai, jų laikikliai, valdymo panelės, kaitlenčių stiklokeraminiai paviršiai (135)
- Kepimo skardos, grotelės, teleskopiniai bėgeliai (45)
- Orkaitės kaitinimo elementai (165)
- El. viryklių (orkaičių) kaitinimo elementai (apvalūs) (59)
- Elektrinių viryklių kaitvietės (64)
- Elektrinių viryklių termostatai ir termodavikliai (69)
- Elektrinių ir dujinių viryklių durų rankenos, valdymo rankenėlės (262)
- Dujinių viryklių degikliai, dangteliai, grotelės (puodų laikikliai), jų atramos (127)
- Dujinių viryklių purkštukai (dujų uždegėjai) (72)
- Orkaičių, mikrobangų krosnelių, gartraukių lemputės ir gaubteliai (49)
- Elektrinių viryklių perjungėjai (komutatoriai) ir jungikliai (140)
- Orkaičių ventiliatoriai ir sparnuotės (41)
- Orkaičių, el. viryklių, kaitlenčių valdymo moduliai ir laikmačiai (108)
- Dujinių viryklių kibirkšties įžiebimo generatoriai (10)
- Dujinių viryklių uždegimo žvakės, pjezo degikliai, laidai (44)
- Dujinių viryklių termoporos (28)
- Dujinių viryklių reduktoriai, ritės, vožtuvai, vožtuvų šerdys (26)
- Žarnos, jungtys, vamzdeliai gamtinėms bei suskystintoms dujoms (7)
- Elektrinių ir dujinių viryklių priežiūros priemonės (valikliai, gramdikliai ir kt. (9)
- Viryklių ir orkaičių termometrai (12)
- Elektrinių ir dujinių viryklių įvairios dalys (88)
- Gartraukių dalys
- Dulkių ir plaunamų siurblių dalys
- Dulkių siurblių maišeliai (190)
- Dulkių siurblių maišeliai (pramoniniams siurbliams)
- Dulkių siurblių filtrai (214)
- Dulkių siurblių - robotų atsarginės dalys (56)
- Dulkių ir plaunamų siurblių varikliai (220V) (108)
- Dulkių ir plaunamų siurblių varikliai (24V, 36V) (15)
- Dulkių siurblių žarnos, žarnų fiksacijos (antgaliai/laikikliai) (96)
- Dulkių siurblių rankenos (25)
- Dulkių siurblių šepečiai (grindims siurbti) (101)
- Dulkių siurblių antgaliai (sienoms, baldams, plyšiams) (42)
- Dulkių siurblių teleskopiniai vamzdžiai (33)
- Dulkių siurblių diržai (6)
- Dulkių siurblio maitinimo šaltiniai (įkrovikliai - pakrovėjai, akumuliatoriai, baterijos, laidai ir jų ritės) (20)
- Vandens aukšto spaudimo siurbliai ULKA, C.E.M.E, INVENSYS, GOTEC (22)
- Dulkių ir plaunamų siurblių įvairios dalys (81)
- Vandens šildytuvų (boilerių) dalys
- Kavos aparatų dalys bei priedai
- Kavos aparatų priežiūros priemonės (nukalkinimo, valymo) ir priedai (101)
- Vandens filtrai kavos aparatams, filtravimo indams (38)
- Kavos aparatų talpos (vandens, pieno sistemos ir kt.) (100)
- Kavos aparatų tarpinės, o-ring žiedai, tepalas priežiūrai (103)
- Kavos aparatų vožtuvai, jungtys, antgaliai, movos ir kt. (192)
- Kavos aparatų varikliai (pavaros, malimo), kavos ruošimo (suspaudimo) mechanizmai, jų dalys (48)
- Kavos aparatų kaitinimo elementai, termoblokai (36)
- Vandens aukšto spaudimo pompos (siurbliai) ULKA, C.E.M.E, INVENSYS (44)
- Kavos aparato rankenos, sieteliai (filtrai), grūstuvai (38)
- Kavos aparatų žarnos (silikoninės, armuotos, PTFE) (28)
- Kavos aparatų dozatoriai, slegio davikliai, rėlės (15)
- Kavos aparatų temperatūriniai davikliai, termostatai (18)
- Kavos aparatų jungikliai, reguliatoriai, lemputės (10)
- Smulkios buitinės technikos dalys
- Mėsmalių dalys (99)
- Virtuvinių kombainų, maisto pjaustyklių, smulkintuvų, plakiklių-mikserių, bulvių tarkų dalys (240)
- Duonkepių, daugiafunckinių puodų, fritiūrinių, skrudintuvių, gruzdintuvių dalys (30)
- Virdulių dalys (3)
- Asmeninės higienos priemonių dalys (barzdaskučių, epiliatorių), termometrai (36)
- Lygintuvų dalys (10)
- Tepalinių radiatorių, elektrinių šildytuvų dalys (4)
- Mikrobangų krosnelių dalys
- Pramoninės įrangos dalys (virtuvės, baro, šaldymo)
- Pramoninių šaldytuvų dalys (24)
- Pramoninių šaldytuvų ir vitrinų kompresoriai (94)
- Šaldytuvų kondensatoriai (paleidimo)
- Šaldytuvų kompresorių paleidimo rėlės
- Šaldytuvų ventiliatoriai
- Šaldytuvų, vitrinų el. valdikliai (kontroleriai) (17)
- Šaldytuvų termostatai
- Slėgio rėlės pramoniniams šaldytuvams
- Šaldytuvų garintuvai, kondensatoriai
- Filtrai pramoniniams šaldytuvams ir šaldymo įrenginiams (2)
- Šaldytuvų filtrai
- Šaldymo sistemos užpildymo vamzdeliai (ventiliai)
- Lydmetalis ir fliusai
- Ventiliai ir plėtimosi vožtuvai (TRV)
- Plėtimosi vožtuvo purkštukai (TRV adatos)
- Skysčio ir drėgmės indikatoriai (matuoklės)
- Šaldymo agentų talpos
- Šaldytuvų veržlės (pramoniniams filtrams, šaldymo agentų balionams
- Šaldytuvų variniai vamzdeliai, kapiliarai bei izoliacijos
- Vakuuminiai siurbliai (pompos), atsiurbimo stotelės, jų priedai
- Manometrai, žarnos, kraneliai bei movos - kondicionierių pildymo įranga
- Šaldytuvų ir šaldymo technikos remonto įrankiai
- Cheminiai priedai šaldymo technikos remonto darbams (dažai, klijai, skysčiai)
- Termometrai (4)
- Kitos dalys (1)
- Pramoninių skalbimo mašinų dalys (9)
- El. viryklių ir orkaičių dalys (9)
- Pramoninių indaplovių dalys (8)
- Pramoninių boilerių dalys (7)
- Dulkių ir plaunamų siurblių dalys (120)
- Picos gam. įrangos dalys (12)
- Pramoninių mėsmalių dalys (44)
- Įvairios pramoninės įrangos dalys (13)
- Šaldymo agentai (freonai), tepalai
- Kondicionierių pildymo įranga, atsarginės dalys
- Kondicionavimo sistemų valikliai, oro gaivikliai (37)
- Cheminiai priedai kondicionierių remontui (sandarinimo priemonės - klijai, dažai, skysčiai) (28)
- Šaldymo agentai (freonai), tepalai
- Kondicionierių valdymo pulteliai, moduliai, davikliai (2)
- Vakuuminės pompos (siurbliai), kompresoriai, atsiurbimo stotelės, priedai joms
- Kondicionierių pildymo įranga (manometrai, žarnos)
- Movos auto kondicionierių užpildymui (21)
- Kondicionierių remonto įrankiai
- Auto kondicionierių ventiliai (2)
- Auto kondicionierių riebokšliai (23)
- Auto kondicionierių tarpinės (7)
- Auto kondicionierių filtrai (3)
- Auto kondicionierių įv. dalys (kamščiai, vamzdžiai, raktai) (8)
- Automobilinių šaldytuvų kompresoriai (12-24V) (8)
- Angliniai šepetėliai kondicionieriams, generatoriams, pečiuko ventiliatoriams (3)
- Automobilių kaitinimo elementai aušinimo skysčiui, tepalui (2)
- Elektrinių įrankių dalys
- Elektrinių pirties krosnelių (saunos) dalys
- Energijos šaltiniai
- Telefonų, kompiuterių, audio-video technikos dalys ir priedai
- Elektros prekės
- Įrankiai ir medžiagos remontui
- Vulkan-Lokring produkcija
- Nauja, naudota buitinė technika
- Užsakomos prekės
1 | 2 > >>
Nuotrauka |
Originalus kodas |
Prekės informacija |
Kaina |
- |
Dulkių siurblio rankena, AEG, ELECTROLUX, NILFISK, NUMATIC, UNIVERSALI, 32mm VCMI-009
3.50 € |
3.50 €
2193710155, 2193710361, 2193710387, 2193710023, 2193710056, 2193710015, 2193710304, 2193710353 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena AEG, ELECTROLUX, rankinis (mechaninis) valdymas, orig. VCMI-003
1 900278720 00 20180801 LX8-2-OKOX AEG Dust products, Retailers
2 900940505 00 20180319 VX9-1-OKO AEG Dust products, Retailers
3 900940539 00 20180801 VX9-2-OKOX AEG Dust products, Retailers
1 900273611 00 20130312 USANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
2 900273611 01 20140129 USANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
3 900273614 00 20130327 USALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
4 900273614 01 20140129 USALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
5 900273615 00 20130327 USALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
6 900273615 01 20140129 USALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
7 900273616 00 20130327 USALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
8 900273616 01 20140129 USALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
9 900273625 00 20130527 ZUS4065PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
10 900273626 00 20130405 ZUS4065AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
11 900273626 01 20140129 ZUS4065AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
12 900273627 00 20131129 ZUS4065AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
13 900273631 00 20130710 ZUS4065PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
14 900273631 01 20140129 ZUS4065PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
15 900273640 00 20130410 USANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
16 900273644 00 20131021 ZUS3975C ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
17 900273657 00 20140624 ZUSANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
18 900273658 00 20140715 ZUSANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
19 900273659 00 20140702 ZUSALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
20 900273660 00 20140715 ZUSALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
21 900273666 00 20140625 ZUS3975C ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
22 900273666 01 20140916 ZUS3975C ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
23 900273666 02 20151013 ZUS3975C ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
24 900273671 00 20140625 USALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
25 900273672 00 20140825 ZUSALLERGY ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
26 900273683 00 20150622 ZUSANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
27 900273684 00 20150331 ZUSANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
28 900273685 00 20150630 ZUSALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
29 900273686 00 20160525 ZUSALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
30 900273687 00 20150702 ZUSALLRGY+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
31 900273693 00 20150803 ZUS3975C+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
32 900273697 00 20150630 USALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
33 900273803 00 20130815 UOECO ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
34 900273803 01 20140122 UOECO ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
35 900273804 00 20130816 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
36 900273804 01 20130129 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
37 900273804 02 20140129 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
38 900273805 00 20131115 UOANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
39 900273805 01 20140129 UOANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
40 900273805 02 20140129 UOANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
41 900273814 00 20131024 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
42 900273814 01 20140129 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
43 900273814 02 20140129 UOALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
44 900273817 00 20140429 UOECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
45 900273818 00 20130920 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
46 900273818 01 20140129 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
47 900273818 02 20140129 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
48 900273821 00 20131025 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
49 900273821 01 20140129 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
50 900273843 00 20140704 ZUOERGO ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
51 900273844 00 20140703 ZUOALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
52 900273845 00 20140704 ZUOANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
53 900273850 00 20140703 UOECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
54 900273851 00 20140704 UOECOT AEG Dust products, Retailers
55 900273852 00 20140812 ZUOALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
56 900273854 00 20140703 UOALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
57 900273858 00 20140730 ZUOECO+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
58 900273870 00 20150619 ZUOERGO+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
59 900273870 01 20150430 ZUOERGO+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
60 900273870 02 20150220 ZUOERGO+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
61 900273871 00 20151118 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
62 900273871 01 20151207 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
63 900273871 02 20150706 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
64 900273872 00 20150410 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
65 900273872 01 20150430 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
66 900273872 02 20150706 ZUOALLFLR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
67 900273873 00 20150402 ZUOANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
68 900273873 01 20150505 ZUOANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
69 900273873 02 20160505 ZUOANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
70 900273877 00 20150301 UOERGO+ AEG Dust products, Retailers
71 900273878 00 20150301 UOULTIMATE AEG Dust products, Retailers
72 900273881 00 20160121 UOALLFLR+ AEG Dust products, Retailers
73 900273884 00 20150708 ZUO9927K ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
74 900273895 00 20170113 VX9-1-TM-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
75 900273898 00 20170210 VX9-1-CB-T AEG Dust products, Retailers
76 900273903 00 20140519 UFFLEXA ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
77 900273904 00 20140520 UFFLEX ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
78 900273909 00 20140715 UFFLEXA ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
79 900273914 00 20140401 ZUF4203PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
80 900273915 00 20140317 ZUF4205AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
81 900273937 00 20170426 AUFFLEXA AEG Dust products, Retailers
82 900273938 00 20140806 AUFFLEXAWR AEG Dust products, Retailers
83 900273958 00 20160125 ZUFFLEXA ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
84 900273959 00 20160111 AUF8230 AEG Dust products, Retailers
85 900273960 00 20160203 ZUFFLEXA ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
86 900273967 00 20151119 ZUFFLEXATR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
87 900273970 00 20160712 ZUF4303PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
88 900273971 00 20160923 ZUF4305AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
89 900273993 00 20170125 LX8-1-TM-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
90 900278702 00 20170725 LX8-2-TM-T AEG Dust products, Retailers
91 900278705 00 20170724 LX8-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
92 900278710 00 20170626 EUF8ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
93 900278711 00 20170629 EUF86IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
94 900278712 00 20170816 EUF86IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
95 900278713 00 20170629 EUF87TM ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
96 900278715 00 20170816 EUF8ANIMAT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
97 900278716 00 20170725 EUF87TMT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
98 900940300 00 20160128 AUS8230 AEG Dust products, Retailers
99 900940303 00 20160518 ZUSALLFL58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
100 900940304 00 20160520 ZUSALLFL58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
101 900940305 00 20160518 ZUSALLER58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
102 900940306 00 20160518 ZUSANIMA58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
103 900940307 00 20160520 ZUSANIMA58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
104 900940310 00 20160520 VX8-2-CB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
105 900940311 00 20160520 VX8-2-IW-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
106 900940312 00 20160520 ZUSCLASS58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
107 900940314 00 20160520 ZUSDELUX58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
108 900940315 00 20160520 ZUSANI58TR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
109 900940317 00 20160523 USALLFL58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
110 900940318 00 20160520 USANIMA58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
111 900940321 00 20161024 USALLER58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
112 900940324 00 20160518 ZUSALR58TR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
113 900940327 00 20161125 ZUSAFPRO58 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
114 900940342 00 20170306 VX8-2-BM-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
115 900940343 00 20170210 VX8-2-CB-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
116 900940344 00 20170110 VX8-2-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
117 900940350 00 20170522 VX8-2-BM-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
118 900940356 00 20170724 VX8-4-BM-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
119 900940359 00 20170724 VX8-4-CB-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
120 900940360 00 20170724 VX8-4-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
121 900940361 00 20170724 VX8-4-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
122 900940362 00 20170629 VX8-4-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
123 900940372 00 20170724 EUS85BR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
124 900940373 00 20170724 EUS8ALRGY ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
125 900940374 00 20170818 EUS8ALRGY ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
126 900940375 00 20170724 EUS87DBM ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
127 900940376 00 20170424 EUS87DBM ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
128 900940377 00 20170724 EUS8ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
129 900940378 00 20170724 EUS8ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
130 900940383 00 20170724 EUS8ALRGYT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
131 900940384 00 20170724 EUS8ANIMAT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
132 900940385 00 20170724 EUS83SB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
133 900940503 00 20160928 VX9-1-SB-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
134 900940504 00 20170125 VX9-1-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
135 900940515 00 20170725 VX9-2-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
136 900940517 00 20170816 VX9-2-SB-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
137 900940518 00 20170816 VX9-2-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
138 900940519 00 20170816 VX9-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
139 900940527 00 20170707 EUO95CB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
140 900940528 00 20170816 EUO95BR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
141 900940529 00 20170725 EUO95BR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
142 900940530 00 20170717 EUO96SBM ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
143 900940531 00 20170718 EUO9ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
144 900940532 00 20170816 EUO9ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
145 900940536 00 20170816 EUOANIMAT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
146 903152100 00 20130123 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
147 903152101 00 20130228 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
148 903152101 01 20140121 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
149 903152102 00 20130326 UCANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
150 903152102 01 20140121 UCANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
151 903152104 00 20130326 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
152 903152105 00 20130326 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
153 903152105 01 20140121 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
154 903152106 00 20130320 UCORIGIN AEG Dust products, Retailers
155 903152107 00 20130320 UCALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
156 903152107 01 20140121 UCALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
157 903152108 00 20130320 UCANIMAL AEG Dust products, Retailers
158 903152108 01 20140121 UCANIMAL AEG Dust products, Retailers
159 903152111 00 20130320 UCORIGIN AEG Dust products, Retailers
160 903152112 00 20130320 UCALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
161 903152112 01 20140121 UCALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
162 903152113 00 20130320 UCANIMAL AEG Dust products, Retailers
163 903152113 01 20140121 UCANIMAL AEG Dust products, Retailers
164 903152114 00 20130226 ZUC4101AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
165 903152114 01 20140121 ZUC4101AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
166 903152118 00 20131105 UCA10 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
167 903152128 00 20130402 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
168 903152129 00 20131129 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
169 903152130 00 20140207 UCANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
170 903152132 00 20130528 ZUC4100OR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
171 903152133 00 20140102 UCA10 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
172 903152134 00 20130626 ZUC4101AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
173 903152136 00 20131203 UCA10 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
174 903152137 00 20140109 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
175 903152138 00 20150331 UCA10 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
176 903152139 00 20140512 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
177 903152140 00 20140625 ZUCALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
178 903152141 00 20140625 ZUCANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
179 903152143 00 20140703 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
180 903152144 00 20140702 ZUCALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
181 903152144 01 20150713 ZUCALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
182 903152145 00 20140702 ZUCANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
183 903152148 00 20140728 ZUCALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
184 903152150 00 20140703 UCALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
185 903152153 00 20140606 UCORIGIN AEG Dust products, Retailers
186 903152156 00 20140310 UCORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
187 903152157 00 20140310 UCALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
188 903152159 00 20140703 UCANIMALT AEG Dust products, Retailers
189 903152160 00 20140707 UCANIMALT AEG Dust products, Retailers
190 903152161 00 20150505 ZUCALLFLR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
191 903152162 00 20150518 ZUCHARDFL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
192 903152163 00 20150518 ZUCANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
193 903152165 00 20151110 ZUCHARDFL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
194 903152166 00 20151110 ZUCANIMAL+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
195 903152168 00 20151123 AUC9220 AEG Dust products, Retailers
196 903152170 00 20160112 AUC9220 AEG Dust products, Retailers
197 903152172 00 20151117 ZUCANIMATR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
198 903152174 00 20151117 ZUCHARDFTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
199 903152177 00 20170331 LX9-1-WM-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
200 903152179 00 20170530 LX9-2-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
201 903152181 00 20170630 EUC96DBM ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
202 903152182 00 20170630 EUC9ANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
203 903152184 00 20170810 EUC9ANIMAT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
204 903152212 00 20130326 ZUP3832PT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
205 903152218 00 20130709 UPALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
206 903152223 00 20130725 UPALLFLOOR AEG Dust products, Retailers
207 903152226 00 20130902 UPALLFLOOR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
208 903152401 00 20120731 Z8830PSK ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
209 903152405 00 20121108 AUO8815B AEG Dust products, Retailers
210 903152406 00 20130529 Z8840PT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
USANIMAL 900273611
USANIMAL 900273611
USALLFLOOR 900273614
USALLFLOOR 900273614
USALLFLOOR 900273615
USALLFLOOR 900273615
USALLFLOOR 900273616
USALLFLOOR 900273616
ZUS4065PET 900273625
ZUS4065AF 900273626
ZUS4065AF 900273626
ZUS4065AF 900273627
ZUS4065PET 900273631
ZUS4065PET 900273631
USANIMAL 900273640
ZUS3975C 900273644
ZUSANIMAL 900273657
ZUSANIMAL 900273658
ZUSALLFLR 900273659
ZUSALLFLR 900273660
ZUS3975C 900273666
ZUS3975C 900273666
ZUS3975C 900273666
USALLFLOOR 900273671
ZUSALLERGY 900273672
ZUSANIMAL+ 900273683
ZUSANIMAL+ 900273684
ZUSALLFLR+ 900273685
ZUSALLRGY+ 900273687
ZUS3975C+ 900273693
USALLFLR+ 900273697
UOECO 900273803
UOECO 900273803
UOALLFLOOR 900273804
UOALLFLOOR 900273804
UOALLFLOOR 900273804
UOANIMAL 900273805
UOANIMAL 900273805
UOANIMAL 900273805
UOALLFLOOR 900273814
UOALLFLOOR 900273814
UOALLFLOOR 900273814
UOECO 900273817
UOALLFLOOR 900273818
UOALLFLOOR 900273818
UOALLFLOOR 900273818
UOALLFLOOR 900273821
UOALLFLOOR 900273821
ZUOERGO 900273843
ZUOALLFLR 900273844
ZUOANIMAL 900273845
UOECO 900273850
UOECOT 900273851
ZUOALLFLR 900273852
UOALLFLOOR 900273854
ZUOECO+ 900273858
ZUOERGO+ 900273870
ZUOALLFLR+ 900273872
ZUOALLFLR+ 900273872
ZUOALLFLR+ 900273872
ZUOANIMAL+ 900273873
UFFLEXA 900273903
UFFLEX 900273904
UFFLEXA 900273909
ZUF4203PET 900273914
ZUF4205AF 900273915
AUFFLEXAWR 900273938
UCORIGIN 903152100
UCALLFLOOR 903152101
UCALLFLOOR 903152101
UCANIMAL 903152102
UCANIMAL 903152102
UCORIGIN 903152104
UCALLFLOOR 903152105
UCALLFLOOR 903152105
UCORIGIN 903152106
UCALLFLOOR 903152107
UCALLFLOOR 903152107
UCANIMAL 903152108
UCANIMAL 903152108
UCORIGIN 903152111
UCALLFLOOR 903152112
UCALLFLOOR 903152112
UCANIMAL 903152113
UCANIMAL 903152113
ZUC4101AF 903152114
ZUC4101AF 903152114
UCA10 903152118
UCORIGIN 903152128
UCALLFLOOR 903152129
UCANIMAL 903152130
ZUC4100OR 903152132
UCA10 903152133
ZUC4101AF 903152134
UCA10 903152136
UCORIGIN 903152137
UCA10 903152138
UCORIGIN 903152139
ZUCALLFLR 903152140
ZUCANIMAL 903152141
UCORIGIN 903152143
ZUCALLFLR 903152144
ZUCANIMAL 903152145
ZUCALLFLR 903152148
UCALLFLOOR 903152150
UCORIGIN 903152153
UCORIGIN 903152156
UCALLFLOOR 903152157
UCANIMALT 903152159
UCANIMALT 903152160
ZUCALLFLR 903152161
ZUCANIMAL+ 903152163
ZUP3832PT 903152212
UPALLFLOOR 903152218
UPALLFLOOR 903152223
UPALLFLOOR 903152226
Z8830PSK 903152401
AUO8815B 903152405
Z8840PT 903152406 |
21.50 € |
21.50 €
2193711609, 2193711401, 2193711013, 2193711369, 2193711112, 2193711039, 14003904845 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena AEG, ELECTROLUX, su mygtukais (nuotoliniu valdymu), orig. VCMI-013
Electrolux ULO20
Electrolux ULO20 (910286985 00)
Electrolux ULO20 (910286987 00)
Electrolux Z8840B
Electrolux Z8840B (910286971 00)
Electrolux Z8840B (910286971 01)
Electrolux Z8850CP
Electrolux Z8850CP (910286973 00)
Electrolux Z8850CP (910286973 01)
Electrolux Z8852
Electrolux Z8852 (910286990 00)
Electrolux Z8860C
Electrolux Z8860C (910286972 01)
Electrolux Z8860CB
Electrolux Z8860CB (910286975 00)
Electrolux Z8860CB (910286975 01)
Electrolux Z8860CS
Electrolux Z8860CS (910286974 01)
AEG AUO8817 (910286984 00)
AEG AUO8840UK (910286980 00) |
29.00 € |
29.00 €
2193712136, 2193712110 |
Dulkių siurblio AEG, ELECTROLUX, ZANUSSI, rankena, orig. VCMI-071
tinka modeliams:
1 900273676 00 20150326 ZUSORIGDB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
2 900273677 00 20150331 ZUSORIGDB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
3 900273678 00 20150523 ZUSORIGWR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
4 900273679 00 20150423 ZUSORIGWR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
5 900273680 00 20150622 ZUSORIGTS+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
6 900273690 00 20150505 ZUS3925DB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
7 900273691 00 20151202 ZUS3945WR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
8 900273692 00 20150326 ZUS3955TS+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
9 900273694 00 20150505 USENERGY+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
10 900273695 00 20150402 USORIGDB+ AEG Dust products, Retailers
11 900273698 00 20150611 ZUSORIGCB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
12 900273820 00 20150420 UOORIGINWR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
13 900273864 00 20150622 ZUOORIGDB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
14 900273864 01 20150706 ZUOORIGDB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
15 900273865 00 20150101 ZUOORIGDB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
16 900273866 00 20150508 ZUOORIGWR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
17 900273866 01 20150706 ZUOORIGWR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
18 900273867 00 20150508 ZUOORIGWR+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
19 900273879 00 20160129 UOORIGWR+ AEG Dust products, Retailers
20 900273883 00 20150629 ZUOORIGW+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
21 900273883 01 20181024 ZUOORIGW+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
22 900273885 00 20150521 UOENERGY+ AEG Dust products, Retailers
23 900273887 00 20160301 VX9-1-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
24 900273896 00 20170301 VX9-1-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
25 900273933 00 20150505 UFPARKETT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
26 900273949 00 20150701 ZUFG4201OR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
27 900273955 00 20160129 ZUFPARKETT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
28 900273956 00 20160129 ZUFPARKETT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
29 900273957 00 20160111 AUF8210 AEG Dust products, Retailers
30 900273961 00 20160203 AUF8220 AEG Dust products, Retailers
31 900273968 00 20151119 ZUFPARKETR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
32 900273969 00 20160712 ZUF4301OR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
33 900273973 00 20160921 ZUFG4301OR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
34 900273985 00 20170316 LX8-1-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
35 900273987 00 20180219 LX8-1-TM-E AEG Dust products, Retailers
36 900273991 00 20170316 LX8-1-DB-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
37 900273992 00 20170117 LX8-1-WR-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
38 900278700 00 20170816 LX8-2-DB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
39 900278703 00 20170724 LX8-2-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
40 900940316 00 20151119 ZUSORIGDTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
41 900940322 00 20160523 VX8-1-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
42 900940323 00 20160518 ZUS3955CB+ ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
43 900940333 00 20170426 VX8-1-DB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
44 900940339 00 20170125 VX8-1-DB-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
45 900940340 00 20170105 VX8-1-WR-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
46 900940351 00 20170719 VX8-3-DB-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
47 900940352 00 20170724 VX8-3-DB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
48 900940353 00 20170724 VX8-3-WR-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
49 900940354 00 20171002 VX8-3-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
50 900940364 00 20170718 EUS8X2CB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
51 900940365 00 20170724 EUS8X2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
52 900940366 00 20171002 EUS8X2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
53 900940367 00 20170724 EUS8X2RR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
54 900940368 00 20170724 EUS8X2RR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
55 900940369 00 20170724 EUS8X2SB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
56 900940381 00 20170724 EUS8X2DBT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
57 900940382 00 20170818 EUS8X3CB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
58 900940387 00 20180409 EUS8X2CB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
59 900940388 00 20180424 ZUS4065SB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
60 900940389 00 20180801 VX8-3-FFPX AEG Dust products, Retailers
61 900940390 00 20190226 VX8-3-EB-C AEG Dust products, Retailers
62 900940501 00 20180725 VX9-1-DB-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
63 900940502 00 20180220 VX9-1-WR-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
64 900940508 00 20180319 VX9-1-WM AEG Dust products, Retailers
65 900940513 00 20170725 VX9-2-DB-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
66 900940514 00 20170725 VX9-2-WR-M AEG Dust products, Retailers
67 900940520 00 20170703 EUO93IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
68 900940521 00 20171002 EUO93IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
69 900940522 00 20170703 EUO93DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
70 900940523 00 20171003 EUO93DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
71 900940524 00 20170719 EUO93RR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
72 900940537 00 20180320 EUOC92IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
73 900940538 00 20180320 EUOC92DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
74 900940540 00 20181129 EUO93IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers |
23.90 € |
23.90 €
140122475340, 140122475068, 140122475183, 140122475308, 140122475316, 2193831282, 2198489045, 219848 |
Dulkių siurblio AEG, ELECTROLUX rankena, su el. valdymu, ovali vamzdžio jungtis, orig. SPEC1969
39.90 € |
39.90 €
1099172239 |
Dulkių siurblio AEG, ELECTROLUX, TORNADO rankena, pilka, 32mm vamzdžio jungtis, orig. SPEC1960
tinka modeliams:
1 900258457 00 20200618 ZSPC2000 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
2 900258458 00 20200618 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
3 900258459 00 20200618 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
4 900258460 00 20200618 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
5 900258461 00 20200618 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
6 900258464 00 20200618 ZSP4303AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
7 900258468 00 20200618 ZSPC2000 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
8 900258469 00 20200618 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
9 900258477 00 20200618 ESPC71DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
10 900258478 00 20200618 ESPC72RR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
11 900258482 00 20200618 ZSPC2010-I ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
12 900258491 00 20200618 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
13 900258584 00 20210426 ESPC71DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
14 900273944 00 20141219 ZUF4202EU ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
15 900273953 00 20150805 ZUFCLASSIW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
16 900274004 00 20150123 ESANIMAL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
17 900274020 00 20141030 ESSPEEDY ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
18 900274026 00 20150325 ESCLASSICP ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
19 900274030 00 20150218 ZE349 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
20 900274031 00 20150324 ZE360PT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
21 900274114 00 20141022 JMORIGIN AEG Dust products, Retailers
22 900274115 00 20141008 JMORIGIN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
23 900274117 00 20141219 MSMAXX AEG Hand dust products, Retailers
24 900274119 00 20150827 TO6880EL TORNADO Dust products, Retailers
25 900274209 00 20150730 ZSPCCLASS ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
26 900274210 00 20150731 ZSPCPARKET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
27 900274213 00 20150730 ZSPC2000 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
28 900274214 00 20150731 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
29 900274216 00 20150731 ASPC7110 AEG Dust products, Retailers
30 900274217 00 20160301 ASPC7120 AEG Dust products, Retailers
31 900274218 00 20150803 ASPC7140 AEG Dust products, Retailers
32 900274220 00 20150730 ASPC7160 AEG Dust products, Retailers
33 900274221 00 20150803 ZSPCCLASS ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
34 900274222 00 20150803 ZSPCPARKET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
35 900274224 00 20150730 ASPC7110 AEG Dust products, Retailers
36 900274225 00 20150730 ASPC7120 AEG Dust products, Retailers
37 900274226 00 20150803 ASPC7130 AEG Dust products, Retailers
38 900274227 00 20151028 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
39 900274228 00 20151028 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
40 900274229 00 20151028 CYC01 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
41 900274234 00 20150921 ZSP4304PP ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
42 900274239 00 20150918 ZSP4303AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
43 900274243 00 20150803 ZSPC2020 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
44 900274250 00 20160504 ZSPC2000 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
45 900274251 00 20160504 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
46 900274252 00 20151106 ZSPCCLASTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
47 900274253 00 20151106 ZSPCPARKTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
48 900274258 00 20160905 LX7-1-DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
49 900274259 00 20160905 LX7-1-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
50 900274260 00 20160905 LX7-1-EB-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
51 900274275 00 20170502 ESPC71DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
52 900274276 00 20170502 ESPC72RR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
53 900274281 00 20170502 ESPC71DBT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
54 900274282 00 20170502 ESPC72RRT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
55 900274285 00 20170502 ESPC72BD ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
56 900274288 00 20170522 ZSPC2010-I ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
57 900274289 00 20170522 ZSPC2020-I ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
58 900274299 00 20191111 ZSPC2010 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
59 900278706 00 20170626 EUF81DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
60 900278718 00 20170629 LX8-2-WR32 AEG Dust products, Retailers
61 903151489 00 20140923 APORIGINEL AEG Dust products, Retailers
62 903151490 00 20140926 ZAPORIGINE ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
63 903151491 00 20140923 ZAPORIGINW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
64 903151491 01 20150128 ZAPORIGINW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
65 903151678 00 20150325 SCPARKETTO ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
66 903151680 00 20170511 ESC61LR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
67 903151681 00 20170511 ESC63EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
68 903151682 00 20170511 TOSC60LR TORNADO Dust products, Retailers
69 903151683 00 20170511 TOSC61DB TORNADO Dust products, Retailers
70 903151685 00 20170511 TOSC64IW TORNADO Dust products, Retailers
71 903151686 00 20170511 TOSC64EB TORNADO Dust products, Retailers
72 903151918 00 20140926 ZSC2200FD ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
73 910287451 00 20150615 ZP4002NEL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
74 910287452 00 20170921 ZP4020N ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
75 910287452 00 20170922 ZP4020N ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
76 910287453 00 20161212 ZP4021N ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
77 910288876 00 20141031 ZCS2000REL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
78 910288893 00 20141217 ZCS2000CEL ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
79 910288895 00 20150219 ZCS2400 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
80 910288896 00 20150302 ZCS2000 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
81 910288897 00 20141008 ZCSGREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
82 910288898 00 20150302 ZCS2015PNK ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers |
21.90 € |
21.90 €
1099172296 |
Dulkių siurblio AEG, ELECTROLUX rankena, pilka, orig. SPEC1801
tinka modeliams:
1 900258447 00 20200617 PC91-4MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
2 900258449 00 20200617 PC91-4MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
3 900258462 00 20200618 SP4303PETT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
4 900258463 00 20200618 ZSP4303AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
5 900258470 00 20200618 LX7-2-DB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
6 900258471 00 20200618 LX7-2-EB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
7 900258472 00 20200618 LX7-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
8 900258473 00 20200618 LX7-2-SW-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
9 900258474 00 20200618 LX7-2-ECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
10 900258475 00 20200618 LX7-2-?KO AEG Dust products, Retailers
11 900258476 00 20200618 LX7-2-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
12 900258479 00 20200618 ESPC7GREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
13 900258480 00 20200618 ESPC74SW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
14 900258481 00 20200618 ESPC7GREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
15 900258483 00 20200618 ZSP4302PPT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
16 900258484 00 20200618 LX7-1-EB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
17 900258485 00 20200618 LX7-1-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
18 900258486 00 20200618 LX7-2-DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
19 900258487 00 20200618 LX7-2-?KOX AEG Dust products, Retailers
20 900258488 00 20200618 LX7-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
21 900258489 00 20200618 ZSPG4302T ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
22 900258490 00 20200618 SPC4302DBT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
23 900258513 00 20201127 EUSC62-IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
24 900258514 00 20201127 EUSC62-EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
25 900258515 00 20201127 EUSC62-DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
26 900258516 00 20201127 EUSC64-EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
27 900258517 00 20201127 VX8-2-2DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
28 900258518 00 20201126 VX8-2-6IW AEG Dust products, Retailers
29 900258519 00 20201126 EUSC66-SB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
30 900258520 00 20201126 EUSC66-CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
31 900258521 00 20201125 VX8-2-6SB AEG Dust products, Retailers
32 900258522 00 20201125 VX8-2-6SB AEG Dust products, Retailers
33 900258531 00 20200617 PC91-6MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
34 900258537 00 20201111 EUFC81DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
35 900258538 00 20201112 EUFC82EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
36 900258539 00 20201117 EUFC8ANIMA ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
37 900258540 00 20201117 EUFC8ALRGY ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
38 900258541 00 20201201 PC91-4MB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
39 900258543 00 20210120 WEC71-4OG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
40 900258544 00 20210120 WEC71-4CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
41 900258545 00 20210120 WEC71-GRE ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
42 900258546 00 20210120 WEC71-6DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
43 900258547 00 20210120 WEC71-ALR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
44 900258548 00 20210120 WEC71-ANI ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
45 900258549 00 20210120 WEC71-H2CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
46 900258550 00 20210120 WEC71-H4DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
47 900258551 00 20210120 LX82-1-4OG AEG Dust products, Retailers
48 900258552 00 20210120 LX82-1-4CR AEG Dust products, Retailers
49 900258553 00 20210120 LX82-1-ECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
50 900258554 00 20210120 LX82-1-OKO AEG Dust products, Retailers
51 900258555 00 20210120 LX82-1-6DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
52 900258556 00 20210120 LX82-1-ALR AEG Dust products, Retailers
53 900258557 00 20210120 LX82-1-ANI AEG Dust products, Retailers
54 900258558 00 20210120 LX82-1-8DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
55 900258559 00 20210120 WEC71-4OG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
56 900258560 00 20210120 WEC71-GRE ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
57 900258561 00 20210120 WEC71-ALR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
58 900258562 00 20210120 WEC71-ANI ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
59 900258563 00 20210120 LX82-1-ECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
60 900258564 00 20210120 LX82-1-ANI AEG Dust products, Retailers
61 900258565 00 20210602 WEC61-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
62 900258566 00 20210602 WEC61-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
63 900258567 00 20210602 WEC61-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
64 900258568 00 20210602 WEC61-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
65 900258570 00 20210602 WEC71-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
66 900258573 00 20210602 WEC71-ANI ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
67 900258575 00 20210602 WEC71-4CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
68 900258576 00 20210602 WEC71-4CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
69 900258577 00 20210602 WEC71-ALR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
70 900258579 00 20210127 LX7-2-ANIM AEG Dust products, Retailers
71 900258580 00 20210126 EUSC62-DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
72 900258583 00 20210602 WEC71-ANI ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
73 900258585 00 20210602 WEC61-2DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
74 900258586 00 20210602 WEC71-ANI ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
75 900273951 00 20150619 ZUFCLASSIC ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
76 900273952 00 20151123 ZUFCLASSIC ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
77 900273964 00 20160208 ZUFCLASSIW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
78 900273966 00 20151119 ZUFCLASSTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
79 900274211 00 20150731 ZSPCGREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
80 900274212 00 20150731 ZSPCSILENT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
81 900274219 00 20150730 ASPC7150 AEG Dust products, Retailers
82 900274223 00 20150731 ZSPCSILENT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
83 900274235 00 20151007 ZSP4303PET ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
84 900274236 00 20151007 ZSP4304PP ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
85 900274238 00 20160127 ZSP4303AF ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
86 900274240 00 20160420 ZSP4304PP ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
87 900274246 00 20150730 ASPC7160 AEG Dust products, Retailers
88 900274254 00 20151106 ZSPCSILETR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
89 900274255 00 20160414 EL4021A ELECTROLUX Hand dust products, Retailers
90 900274256 00 20170110 ZSPCGRTR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
91 900274257 00 20160818 ZSPG4301 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
92 900274261 00 20160905 LX7-1-OKO AEG Dust products, Retailers
93 900274262 00 20161205 LX7-1-SW-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
94 900274265 00 20161205 LX7-1-EB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
95 900274267 00 20161001 LX7-1-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
96 900274268 00 20170427 LX7-2-DB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
97 900274269 00 20170427 LX7-2-EB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
98 900274270 00 20170328 LX7-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
99 900274271 00 20170327 LX7-2-SW-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
100 900274272 00 20170328 LX7-2-ECO AEG Dust products, Retailers
101 900274273 00 20170426 LX7-2-OKO AEG Dust products, Retailers
102 900274274 00 20170427 LX7-2-FFP AEG Dust products, Retailers
103 900274278 00 20170530 ESPC7GREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
104 900274279 00 20170502 ESPC74SW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
105 900274283 00 20170502 ESPC74SWT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
106 900274284 00 20170725 ESPC7GRT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
107 900274286 00 20170623 ESPC7GREEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
108 900274287 00 20170418 ZSPG4301 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
109 900274290 00 20171018 ZSP4302PP ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
110 900274291 00 20180129 LX7-1-EB-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
111 900274292 00 20180129 LX7-1-WR-P AEG Dust products, Retailers
112 900274293 00 20171106 LX7-2-DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
113 900274294 00 20180801 LX7-2-OKOX AEG Dust products, Retailers
114 900274295 00 20180801 LX7-2-FFPX AEG Dust products, Retailers
115 900274296 00 20190104 LX7-2-CR-A AEG Dust products, Retailers
116 900274297 00 20190207 ZSPG4302 ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
117 900274298 00 20190226 ZSPC4302DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
118 900278707 00 20170816 EUF81DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
119 900278717 00 20170816 LX8-2-DB32 AEG Dust products, Retailers
120 900278723 00 20190207 UFORIGINCR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
121 900279001 00 20171002 ECS52IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
122 900279001 01 20190412 ECS52IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
123 900279002 00 20170810 ECS52B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
124 900279002 01 20190412 ECS52B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
125 900279003 00 20170810 ECS54B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
126 900279003 01 20190412 ECS54B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
127 900279004 00 20190412 ECS52B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
128 900279004 01 20190412 ECS52B ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
129 900279005 00 20190412 VAC6SILENT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
130 900279005 01 20190412 VAC6SILENT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
131 900279006 00 20190412 VAC7HYGIEN ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
132 900279006 01 20190412 VAC7HYGIEN MIOSTAR Dust products, Retailers
133 900279227 00 20190106 PC91-4MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
134 900279230 00 20190206 PC91-4MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
135 900279231 00 20190206 PC91-4MGT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
136 900279232 00 20190206 PC91-H4MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
137 900279243 00 20190410 PC91-4MB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
138 900279244 00 20190620 PC91-6MG ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
139 900401201 00 20190926 EUSC62-IW ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
140 900401202 00 20200121 EUSC62-EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
141 900401203 00 20191114 EUSC62-DB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
142 900401204 00 20200121 EUSC64-EB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
143 900401205 00 20200121 EUSC62-DBT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
144 900401206 00 20190805 VX8-2-2DB AEG Dust products, Retailers
145 900940391 00 20190715 VX8-2-6IW AEG Dust products, Retailers
146 900940392 00 20190805 EUSC66-SB ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
147 900940393 00 20190805 EUSC66-SBT ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
148 900940394 00 20190715 EUSC66-CR ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
149 900940395 00 20190805 VX8-2-OKO AEG Dust products, Retailers
150 900940396 00 20190805 VX8-2-6SB AEG Dust products, Retailers
151 903151679 00 20150325 ASCHARDFL AEG Dust products, Retailers
152 903151687 00 20171002 ESC63EBK ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
153 903151919 00 20190226 ZSC69FDT-D ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
154 903151920 00 20191021 ZSC69FDT-D ELECTROLUX Dust products, Retailers
155 910288888 00 20140718 ACSGREEN AEG Dust products, Retailers |
26.90 € |
26.90 €
493532, 00493532, 17000326 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena BOSCH, SIEMENS, orig. VCMI-002
Tinka modeliams:
Bosch BBZ011HG(00)
Bosch BSG81215UC/01
Bosch BSG81266/01
Bosch BSG81266/09
Bosch BSG81266/10
Bosch BSG81266AU/10
Bosch BSG81266CH/09
Bosch BSG81266CH/10
Bosch BSG81313UC/01
Bosch BSG81313UC/03
Bosch BSG81313UC/06
Bosch BSG81335UC/01
Bosch BSG81335UC/03
Bosch BSG81365UC/01
Bosch BSG81365UC/03
Bosch BSG81466/09
Bosch BSG81623/01
Bosch BSG81623/09
Bosch BSG81623/10
Bosch BSG81666/01
Bosch BSG81666/09
Bosch BSG81666/10
Bosch BSG81800AU/01
Bosch BSG81801/01
Bosch BSG81810AU/01
Bosch BSG81880/01
Bosch BSG81880GB/01
Bosch BSG81885/01
Bosch BSG82000/01
Bosch BSG82000GB/01
Bosch BSG82001/01
Bosch BSG82001IL/01
Bosch BSG82010/01
Bosch BSG82010/07
Bosch BSG82010/10
Bosch BSG82012/01
Bosch BSG82012/02
Bosch BSG82020/04
Bosch BSG82020/09
Bosch BSG82020/10
Bosch BSG82022/01
Bosch BSG82022GB/01
Bosch BSG82030/01
Bosch BSG82030AU/01
Bosch BSG82030AU/10
Bosch BSG82032/04
Bosch BSG82032/05
Bosch BSG82040/01
Bosch BSG82040/04
Bosch BSG82050/01
Bosch BSG82050/04
Bosch BSG82060/01
Bosch BSG82060CH/01
Bosch BSG82060CH/02
Bosch BSG82077/01
Bosch BSG82077AU/01
Bosch BSG82077AU/10
Bosch BSG82077CH/01
Bosch BSG82077CH/10
Bosch BSG82200GB/01
Bosch BSG82200GB/10
Bosch BSG82212/01
Bosch BSG82212/07
Bosch BSG82212/09
Bosch BSG82212/10
Bosch BSG82213/12
Bosch BSG82215/01
Bosch BSG82222/01
Bosch BSG82230/02
Bosch BSG82230/09
Bosch BSG82230/10
Bosch BSG82230CH/01
Bosch BSG82230CH/10
Bosch BSG82277/01
Bosch BSG82422/01
Bosch BSG82422/10
Bosch BSG82425/02
Bosch BSG82425/10
Bosch BSG82480/08
Bosch BSG82480/10
Bosch BSG82480AU/10
Bosch BSG82485/01
Bosch BSG82485/08
Bosch BSG82485/10
Bosch BSG82502/01
Bosch BSG82502/12
Siemens VS08G1223/03
Siemens VS08G1223/09
Siemens VS08G1266/03
Siemens VS08G1266/09
Siemens VS08G1623/03
Siemens VS08G1623/09
Siemens VS08G1666/03
Siemens VS08G1666/09
Siemens VS08G1668/09
Siemens VS08G1701/01
Siemens VS08G1800/01
Siemens VS08G1800/03
Siemens VS08G180CH/03
Siemens VS08G1810/01
Siemens VS08G1810/03
Siemens VS08G1830/01
Siemens VS08G1830/03
Siemens VS08G183CH/01
Siemens VS08G183CH/03
Siemens VS08G1850/01
Siemens VS08G1850/03
Siemens VS08G1860/01
Siemens VS08G1860/03
Siemens VS08G186CH/01
Siemens VS08G186CH/03
Siemens VS08G1880/01
Siemens VS08G1880/03
Siemens VS08G1885/03
Siemens VS08G2001/01
Siemens VS08G2001/03
Siemens VS08G2010/01
Siemens VS08G2010/03
Siemens VS08G201GB/03
Siemens VS08G2020/04
Siemens VS08G2020/09
Siemens VS08G2025/01
Siemens VS08G2025/03
Siemens VS08G2026/03
Siemens VS08G2030/01
Siemens VS08G2030/03
Siemens VS08G2032/04
Siemens VS08G2032/05
Siemens VS08G203CH/03
Siemens VS08G2040/01
Siemens VS08G2040/03
Siemens VS08G2050/01
Siemens VS08G2050/03
Siemens VS08G2050/04
Siemens VS08G2060/01
Siemens VS08G2060/03
Siemens VS08G2075/03
Siemens VS08G2210/03
Siemens VS08G2212/03
Siemens VS08G2212/07
Siemens VS08G2212/09
Siemens VS08G2212/12
Siemens VS08G2213/03
Siemens VS08G2213/07
Siemens VS08G2213/09
Siemens VS08G2213/12
Siemens VS08G2214/03
Siemens VS08G2214/09
Siemens VS08G2215/03
Siemens VS08G2226/03
Siemens VS08G2226/09
Siemens VS08G222CH/03
Siemens VS08G222CH/09
Siemens VS08G2230/03
Siemens VS08G2275/03
Siemens VS08G2330/03
Siemens VS08G2330/12
Siemens VS08G2410/03
Siemens VS08G2422/03
Siemens VS08G2469/03
Siemens VS08G2485/03
Siemens VS08G2485/08
Siemens VS08G2499/03
Siemens VS08G2510/03
Siemens VS08G2511/03
Siemens VS08G2511/12
Siemens VS08G2610/03
Siemens VS08GP1266/03
Siemens VS08GP1266/11
Siemens VS08GP1266/13
Siemens VZ011HG(00)
BSG82012/02 BSG82020/04 BSG82020/09 BSG82020/10 BSG82022/01 BSG82022GB/01 BSG82030/01 BSG82030AU/01 BSG82030AU/10 BSG82032/04 BSG82032/05 BSG82040/01 BSG82040/04 BSG82050/01 BSG82050/04 BSG82060/01 BSG82060CH/01 BSG82060CH/02 BSG82077/01 BSG82077AU/01 BSG82077AU/10 BSG82077CH/01 BSG82077CH/10 BSG82200GB/01 BSG82200GB/10 BSG82212/01 BSG82212/07 BSG82212/09 BSG82212/10 BSG82213/12 BSG82215/01 BSG82222/01 BSG82230/02 BSG82230/09 BSG82230/10 BSG82230CH/01 BSG82230CH/10 BSG82277/01 BSG82422/01 BSG82422/10 BSG82425/02 BSG82425/10 BSG82480/08 BSG82480/10 BSG82480AU/10 BSG82485/01 BSG82485/08 BSG82485/10 BSG82502/01 BSG82502/12; VS08G1223/03 VS08G1223/09 VS08G1266/03 VS08G1266/09 VS08G1623/03 VS08G1623/09 VS08G1666/03 VS08G1666/09 VS08G1668/09 VS08G1701/01 VS08G1800/01 VS08G1800/03 VS08G180CH/03 VS08G1810/01 VS08G1810/03 VS08G1830/01 VS08G1830/03 VS08G183CH/01 VS08G183CH/03 VS08G1850/01 VS08G1850/03 VS08G1860/01 VS08G1860/03 VS08G186CH/01 VS08G186CH/03 VS08G1880/01 VS08G1880/03 VS08G1885/03 VS08G2001/01 VS08G |
19.50 € |
19.50 €
080857, 00080857, 00267817, 267817 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena BOSCH, SIEMENS, orig. VCMI-012
Tinka modeliams:
Bosch BBS6209/04
Bosch BBS6209/06
Bosch BBS6316/07
Bosch BBS6316/09
Bosch BBS6316/10
Bosch BBS6318/07
Bosch BBS6318/10
Bosch BBS6319GB/06
Bosch BBS6319GB/07
Bosch BBS6328GB/07
Bosch BBS6328GB/10
Bosch BSA1100CH/02
Bosch BSA2100GB/02
Bosch BSA2100TC/02
Bosch BSA2100TC/05
Bosch BSA2102/02
Bosch BSA2120GB/02
Bosch BSA2190/02
Bosch BSA2190/05
Bosch BSA2192/02
Bosch BSA2201/02
Bosch BSA2202/02
Bosch BSA2202/05
Bosch BSA2202GB/02
Bosch BSA2211/02
Bosch BSA2213/02
Bosch BSA2213/05
Bosch BSA2222/02
Bosch BSA2222CH/02
Bosch BSA2222GB/02
Bosch BSA2250CH/02
Bosch BSA2250CH/05
Bosch BSA2251/02
Bosch BSA2291/02
Bosch BSA2292/02
Bosch BSA2292/05
Bosch BSA2293/02
Bosch BSA2300/02
Bosch BSA2300CH/02
Bosch BSA2313/02
Bosch BSA2313/05
Bosch BSA2400GB/02
Bosch BSA2410/02
Bosch BSA2410/05
Bosch BSA2493/02
Bosch BSA2595/02
Bosch BSA2595/05
Bosch BSA2695/02
Bosch BSA2695/05
Bosch BSA2700/02
Bosch BSA2700/05
Bosch BSA2791/02
Bosch BSA2791/05
Bosch BSA2796/02
Bosch BSA2796/05
Bosch BSA2800/02
Bosch BSA2800/05
Bosch BSA2800IL/05
Bosch BSA2822/02
Bosch BSA2822/05
Bosch BSA2822CH/02
Bosch BSA2822CH/05
Bosch BSA2822GB/02
Bosch BSA2822GB/05
Bosch BSA2823/02
Bosch BSA2823/05
Bosch BSA2833/02
Bosch BSA2833/05
Bosch BSA2880/05
Bosch BSA2885/05
Bosch BSA2885/06
Bosch BSA2893/02
Bosch BSA2893/05
Bosch BSG61830/01
Bosch BSG61831/01
Bosch BSG62000/01
Bosch BSG71310UC/01
Bosch BSG71310UC/03
Bosch BSG71800/01
Bosch BSG71800/03
Bosch BSG71801/01
Bosch BSG71801/03
Bosch BSG71810/01
Bosch BSG71810/03
Bosch BSG71810CH/01
Bosch BSG71810CH/03
Bosch BSG71810GB/01
Bosch BSG71810GB/03
Bosch BSG71810IL/01
Bosch BSG71810IL/03
Bosch BSG71826/01
Bosch BSG71826/03
Bosch BSG71830/01
Bosch BSG71830/03
Bosch BSG71830AU/01
Bosch BSG71830AU/03
Bosch BSG71835/01
Bosch BSG71835/03
Bosch BSG71840/01
Bosch BSG71840/02
Bosch BSG71840/03
Bosch BSG71866/01
Bosch BSG71866/03
Bosch BSG71866AU/01
Bosch BSG71866AU/03
Bosch BSG72000/01
Bosch BSG72000/03
Bosch BSG72200/01
Bosch BSG72200/03
Siemens VS06G1822/01
Siemens VS06G1830/01
Siemens VS06G1831/01
Siemens VS06G2000/01
Siemens VS06G2044/01
Siemens VS07G1800/01
Siemens VS07G1800/03
Siemens VS07G1801/01
Siemens VS07G1801/03
Siemens VS07G180CH/01
Siemens VS07G180CH/03
Siemens VS07G1830/01
Siemens VS07G1830/03
Siemens VS07G1840/01
Siemens VS07G1840/03
Siemens VS07G1866/01
Siemens VS07G1866/03
Siemens VS07G2000/01
Siemens VS07G2000/03
Siemens VS07G200CH/01
Siemens VS07G200CH/03
Siemens VS07G2031/01
Siemens VS07G2031/03
Siemens VS51A12CH/02
Siemens VS51A22GB/02
Siemens VS51A22IL/02
Siemens VS51A24/02
Siemens VS51B12/02
Siemens VS51B12/05
Siemens VS51XM300/02
Siemens VS52A10/02
Siemens VS52A10/05
Siemens VS52A20GB/02
Siemens VS52A20GB/05
Siemens VS52A23/02
Siemens VS52A24/02
Siemens VS52A24CH/02
Siemens VS52A24GB/02
Siemens VS52A25/02
Siemens VS52A25IL/02
Siemens VS52A28/02
Siemens VS52A30/02
Siemens VS52A95/02
Siemens VS52A95/05
Siemens VS53A00/02
Siemens VS53A00/05
Siemens VS53A20/02
Siemens VS53B91/02
Siemens VS54A00/02
Siemens VS54A00/05
Siemens VS54A95/02
Siemens VS54A95/05
Siemens VS54A96/02
Siemens VS54A96/05
Siemens VS55A00/02
Siemens VS55A00/05
Siemens VS55A28/02
Siemens VS55A28/05
Siemens VS55A55/02
Siemens VS55A55/05
Siemens VS55A80/05
Siemens VS55A85/05
Siemens VS5KA00/05
Siemens VS5PR01/01
Siemens VS5PR02/02
Siemens VS5PR03/02
Siemens VS5PR04/02
Siemens VS5PR04/05
Siemens VS5PT05/02
Siemens VS5PT05/05
Siemens VS5PT06/02
Siemens VS5PT07/02
Siemens VS5PT07/05
Siemens VS63A04/06
Siemens VS63A07/07
Siemens VS63A07/09
Siemens VS63A10/06
Siemens VS63A11/09
Siemens VS63A16/07
Siemens VS63A16/09
Siemens VS63A16/10
Siemens VS63A20/07
Siemens VS63A20/10
Siemens VS63A22/07
Siemens VS63A22/10
Siemens VS63A23CH/10
Siemens VS6PR01/07
Siemens VS72C08CH/05
Siemens VS91A18CH/05
Siemens VS92A17/05
Siemens VS92A18/05
Siemens VS92A1800/05
Siemens VS92A2000/05
Siemens VS92A46/04
15.90 € |
15.90 €
2.607.002.630, 2607002630, 3165140605731 |
Dulkių siurblio BOSCH PROFESSIONAL rankena, 35mm, orig. SPEC1952
tinka modeliams:
GAS20L SFC, GAS15L, GAS1200L |
23.50 € |
23.50 €
S0814, 17000734, 00444969, 00445006, 00445008, 00445017, 00445166, 00468483 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena BOSCH, SIEMENS, UFESA atlernatyva SPEC2858
Techniniai duomenys:
Vidinis žarnos pusės skersmuo: 50 mm.
Išorinis žarnos pusės skersmuo: 52 mm.
Vidinis vamzdžio skersmuo: 31 mm.
Išorinis vamzdžio pusės skersmuo: 34 mm.
Ilgis: 34 cm.
Medžiaga: plastikas.
Spalva: juoda.
Svoris: 84g
50 mm išorinio skersmens dulkių siurblio žarnos ir 35 mm vidinio skersmens dulkių siurblio priedai.
modeliams :
Bosch - BBZ035SS(00)
Bosch - BGB451230/03
Bosch - BGB452530/03
Bosch - BGB452540/03
Bosch - BGC4U2230/11
Bosch - BGC4U330/11
Bosch - BGL35MOV19/01
Bosch - BGL35MOV20/01
Bosch - BGL35MOVE1/01
Bosch - BGL35MOVE2/01
Bosch - BGL35MOVE3/01
Bosch - BGL3A310/01
Bosch - BGL3A315/01
Bosch - BGL3A315GB/01
Bosch - BGL3A332/01
Bosch - BGL3POWER/01
Bosch - BGL45ZOOO1/01
Bosch - BGL72234/03
Bosch - BGL72234/10
Bosch - BGL72294/03
Bosch - BGL72294/10
Bosch - BGL81030/03
Bosch - BGL81030/05
Bosch - BGL81030/08
Bosch - BGS2U310/11
Bosch - BGS31420/01
Bosch - BGS31420/03
Bosch - BGS31420/06
Bosch - BGS31430/01
Bosch - BGS31430/03
Bosch - BGS31430/06
Bosch - BGS32000/01
Bosch - BGS32000/02
Bosch - BGS32000/03
Bosch - BGS32000/06
Bosch - BGS32001/01
Bosch - BGS32001/02
Bosch - BGS32001/03
Bosch - BGS32001/06
Bosch - BGS32002/01
Bosch - BGS32002/02
Bosch - BGS32002/03
Bosch - BGS32002/06
Bosch - BGS32200/01
Bosch - BGS32200/02
Bosch - BGS32200/03
Bosch - BGS32200/06
Bosch - BGS3310/01
Bosch - BGS3310/05
Bosch - BGS3U1800/11
Bosch - BGS3U2000/11
Bosch - BGS41266/01
Bosch - BGS41266/03
Bosch - BGS41266/06
Bosch - BGS41267/01
Bosch - BGS41267/03
Bosch - BGS41267/06
Bosch - BGS4140GB/01
Bosch - BGS4140GB/03
Bosch - BGS4140GB/06
Bosch - BGS41430/01
Bosch - BGS41430/03
Bosch - BGS41430/06
Bosch - BGS41432/01
Bosch - BGS41432/03
Bosch - BGS41432/06
Bosch - BGS41433/01
Bosch - BGS41433/03
Bosch - BGS41433/06
Bosch - BGS41434/01
Bosch - BGS41434/03
Bosch - BGS41434/06
Bosch - BGS41435/01
Bosch - BGS41435/03
Bosch - BGS41435/06
Bosch - BGS4200GB/01
Bosch - BGS4200GB/02
Bosch - BGS4200GB/03
Bosch - BGS4200GB/06
Bosch - BGS4220AU/01
Bosch - BGS4220AU/02
Bosch - BGS4220AU/03
Bosch - BGS4220AU/06
Bosch - BGS42210/01
Bosch - BGS42210/02
Bosch - BGS42210/03
Bosch - BGS42210/06
Bosch - BGS42210IL/01
Bosch - BGS42210IL/02
Bosch - BGS42210IL/03
Bosch - BGS42210IL/06
Bosch - BGS42211/01
Bosch - BGS42211/02
Bosch - BGS42211/03
Bosch - BGS42211/06
Bosch - BGS42212/01
Bosch - BGS42212/02
Bosch - BGS42212/03
Bosch - BGS42212/06
Bosch - BGS4221CH/01
Bosch - BGS4221CH/02
Bosch - BGS4221CH/03
Bosch - BGS4221CH/06
Bosch - BGS42224/01
Bosch - BGS42224/02
Bosch - BGS42224/03
Bosch - BGS42224/06
Bosch - BGS42230/01
Bosch - BGS42230/02
Bosch - BGS42230/03
Bosch - BGS42230/06
Bosch - BGS42234/01
Bosch - BGS42234/02
Bosch - BGS42234/03
Bosch - BGS42234/06
Bosch - BGS4223GB/01
Bosch - BGS4223GB/02
Bosch - BGS4223GB/03
Bosch - BGS4223GB/06
Bosch - BGS42242/01
Bosch - BGS42242/02
Bosch - BGS42242/03
Bosch - BGS42242/06
Bosch - BGS4230/01
Bosch - BGS4330/01
Bosch - BGS4334/01
Bosch - BGS4GOLD/01
Bosch - BGS4GOLD/03
Bosch - BGS4GOLD/06
Bosch - BGS4GOLD2/01
Bosch - BGS4GOLD2/03
Bosch - BGS4GOLD2/06
Bosch - BGS4SIL73/01
Bosch - BGS4SILAU/01
Bosch - BGS4SILAU/03
Bosch - BGS4SILAU/06
Bosch - BGS4SILM1/01
Bosch - BGS4SILTAU/03
Bosch - BGS4SILTAU/06
Bosch - BGS4U120AU/11
Bosch - BGS4U2234/11
Bosch - BGS4U2242/11
Bosch - BGS4U334/11
Bosch - BGS4UGOLD2/11
Bosch - BGS4UGOLD4/11
Bosch - BGS4USIL73/11
Bosch - BGS4USILM1/11
Bosch - BGS4USITAU/11
Bosch - BGS61466/01
Bosch - BGS61832NL/01
Bosch - BGS61832NL/02
Bosch - BGS61832NL/03
Bosch - BGS61832NL/04
Bosch - BGS61842/01
Bosch - BGS61842/02
Bosch - BGS618M1/01
Bosch - BGS62130IL/01
Bosch - BGS62130IL/02
Bosch - BGS62130IL/03
Bosch - BGS62130IL/04
Bosch - BGS62200/01
Bosch - BGS62200/02
Bosch - BGS62202/02
Bosch - BGS62202/04
Bosch - BGS6220AU/01
Bosch - BGS6220AU/02
Bosch - BGS6220AU/03
Bosch - BGS6220AU/04
Bosch - BGS6220GB/01
Bosch - BGS62232/01
Bosch - BGS62232/02
Bosch - BGS62232/03
Bosch - BGS62232/04
Bosch - BGS6225AU/01
Bosch - BGS6225AU/02
Bosch - BGS6225AU/03
Bosch - BGS6225GB/01
Bosch - BGS6235GB/01
Bosch - BGS62530/01
Bosch - BGS62530/02
Bosch - BGS62530/03
Bosch - BGS62530/04
Bosch - BGS62531/01
Bosch - BGS62531/02
Bosch - BGS62531IL/02
Bosch - BGS62531IL/03
Bosch - BGS62531IL/04
Bosch - BGS6SIL1/01
Bosch - BGS6SIL1AU/01
Bosch - BSA100KA/06
Bosch - BSA2100UC/06
Bosch - BSA2101UC/06
Bosch - BSA2200UC/06
Bosch - BSA2222UC/06
Bosch - BSA2453/09
Bosch - BSA2602/06
Bosch - BSA2733/06
Bosch - BSA2801/06
Bosch - BSA2823/06
Bosch - BSA2835/06
Bosch - BSA2877/06
Bosch - BSA2880GB/06
Bosch - BSA2880GB/09
Bosch - BSA3100/06
Bosch - BSA52000/06
Bosch - BSD2202/06
Bosch - BSD2313/06
Bosch - BSD2501/06
Bosch - BSD2600/06
Bosch - BSD2601/06
Bosch - BSD2800/06
Bosch - BSG41700GB/06
Bosch - BSG41800/06
Bosch - BSG42000/06
Bosch - BSG61266/03
Bosch - BSG61267/03
Bosch - BSG61267/04
Bosch - BSG61663/03
Bosch - BSG61666/03
Bosch - BSG61666/04
Bosch - BSG61666/09
Bosch - BSG61666GB/03
Bosch - BSG61822GB/02
Bosch - BSG61822GB/03
Bosch - BSG61830/02
Bosch - BSG61830/03
Bosch - BSG61831/02
Bosch - BSG61831/03
Bosch - BSG61832/02
Bosch - BSG61832/03
Bosch - BSG61832/04
Bosch - BSG61877GB/02
Bosch - BSG61877GB/03
Bosch - BSG61922/02
Bosch - BSG61922/03
Bosch - BSG6192CH/02
Bosch - BSG6192CH/03
Bosch - BSG62023/03
Bosch - BSG62023/04
Bosch - BSG62023/08
Bosch - BSG62080/02
Bosch - BSG62080/03
Bosch - BSG62082/02
Bosch - BSG62085/02
Bosch - BSG62085/03
Bosch - BSG71266/07
Bosch - BSG71266/11
Bosch - BSG71266/20
Bosch - BSG71266GB/07
Bosch - BSG71266GB/17
Bosch - BSG71310UC/04
Bosch - BSG71310UC/07
Bosch - BSG71466/07
Bosch - BSG71466/14
Bosch - BSG71636/11
Bosch - BSG71666/07
Bosch - BSG71666/14
Bosch - BSG71666/17
Bosch - BSG71668/07
Bosch - BSG71800/04
Bosch - BSG71800/07
Bosch - BSG71800GB/04
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Bosch - BSG71801/04
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Bosch - BSG71810CH/04
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Bosch - BSG71842/10
Bosch - BSG71842/16
Bosch - BSG71866/04
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Bosch - BSG71866AU/04
Bosch - BSG71866AU/07
Bosch - BSG71877/07
Bosch - BSG72000/04
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Bosch - BSG72000/15
Bosch - BSG72000/16
Bosch - BSG72022/04
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Bosch - BSG72200/04
Bosch - BSG72200/07
Bosch - BSG72200GB/11
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Bosch - BSG72210/15
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Bosch - BSG72222/07
Bosch - BSG72222/11
Bosch - BSG72223/11
Bosch - BSG72223/15
Bosch - BSG72225/07
Bosch - BSG72225/09
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Bosch - BSG72225/15
Bosch - BSG72225/17
Bosch - BSG72225GB/07
Bosch - BSG72225GB/11
Bosch - BSG72225GB/15
Bosch - BSG72226/11
Bosch - BSG72227/15
Bosch - BSG72230/07
Bosch - BSG72230/11
Bosch - BSG72230/15
Bosch - BSG72233/15
Bosch - BSG72233GB/11
Bosch - BSG72233GB/15
Bosch - BSG72510/07
Bosch - BSG72511/07
Bosch - BSG81266/14
Bosch - BSG81266/15
Bosch - BSG81266AU/14
Bosch - BSG81266CH/14
Bosch - BSG81455/14
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Bosch - BSG81468/14
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Bosch - BSG82603/17
Bosch - BSG8PRO1GB/22
Bosch - BSGL31266/03
Bosch - BSGL3126GB/03
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Bosch - BSGL4000GB/01
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Bosch - BSGL5S2120/01
Bosch - BSGL5S2138/01
Bosch - BSGL5S2139/01
Bosch - BSGL5S3055/01
Bosch - BSGL5S3055/03
Bosch - BSGL5ZOOCH/07
Bosch - BSGL5ZOODE/02
Bosch - BSGL5ZOOO2/02
Bosch - BSGL5ZOOO3/02
Bosch - BSGL62544/01
Bosch - BSGL62544/03
Bosch - BSGL71266GB/07
Bosch - BX32131/04
Bosch - BX32131/05
Constructa - VC6C1600/03
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Siemens - VSZ5XTRM3/01
Siemens - VSZ5XTRM5/01
Siemens - VSZ61200/04
Siemens - VSZ61222/01
Siemens - VSZ61223/02
Siemens - VSZ61223/04
Siemens - VSZ61225/02
Siemens - VSZ61225/04
Siemens - VSZ61240/01
Siemens - VSZ61240/04
Siemens - VSZ61244/01
Siemens - VSZ61245GB/01
Siemens - VSZ61245GB/04
Siemens - VSZ61260/01
Siemens - VSZ61260/04
Siemens - VSZ61262/01
Siemens - VSZ61262/02
Siemens - VSZ61262CH/01
Siemens - VSZ61265/01
Siemens - VSZ612JUB/04
Siemens - VSZ612M1/01
Siemens - VSZ612M1/04
Siemens - VSZ62222/01
Siemens - VSZ62222/03
Siemens - VSZ62222/04
Siemens - VSZ62512/01
Siemens - VSZ62512/03
Siemens - VSZ62512/04
Siemens - VSZ62522/01
Siemens - VSZ62522/02
Siemens - VSZ62522/03
Siemens - VSZ62532/01
Siemens - VSZ62532/03
Siemens - VSZ62540/01
Siemens - VSZ62540/03
Siemens - VSZ62540/04
Siemens - VSZ62541/01
Siemens - VSZ62541/03
Siemens - VSZ62544/01
Siemens - VSZ62544/03
Siemens - VSZ62545GB/01
Siemens - VSZ62545GB/03
Siemens - VSZ6FCB/01
Siemens - VSZ6GP1262/01
Siemens - VSZ6GP1266/01
Siemens - VSZ6GP1266/04
Siemens - VSZ6GP12CH/01
Siemens - VSZ6GP12CH/04
Siemens - VSZ6XTRM2/01
Siemens - VSZ6XTRM2/03
Siemens - VSZ6XTRM2/04
Siemens - VSZ6XTRM3/04
Ufesa - AC5500/06
Ufesa - AC5500/09
Ufesa - AC5518/06
Ufesa - AT4217/06
Ufesa - AT4218/06 |
7.90 € |
7.90 €
3565460, 03565460 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, alternatyva VCMI-004
Tinka modeliams:
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. 25 AR I SVERIGE metallicblau S334I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 03/1997 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. 40-ANNIVERSARY rouge carmin S272I Vacuum cleaners 08/1993 12/1993 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ACTIVE TEAM karminrot S316I Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brill.weiß S328I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brillantweiß S157 Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brillantweiß S157 Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brillantweiß S157 Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 08/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl S148 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl. S148 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 10/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtblau S148 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 09/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtblau S148 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 11/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALLERGY HEPA MINI mintgrün S144 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ALU MAGIC alu-silber S311I Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 08/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 08/1999 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/1998 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 04/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 02/2000 050 Suction hose HK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE blau/grün S334I Vacuum cleaners 11/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose RU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. AMBIENTE tizianrotmetallic S334I Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose TR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ANIVERSARIO lichtgrau S252I Vacuum cleaners 01/0000 01/0000 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ANNIVERSARY 100 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose HK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ANNIVERSARY 100 karminrot S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose PL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK DIAMOND met.anthrazit S256I Vacuum cleaners 03/1988 12/1995 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL S446I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL S448I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S444I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 07/1995 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 05/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose HK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 11/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose RU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S446I Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose TR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S448I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 12/2000 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S448I Vacuum cleaners 12/1996 12/2000 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S448I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/2000 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S448I Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLACK JEWEL met.anthrazit S448I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC S346I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC metalik mavi S346I Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose TR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC Metallicblå S348I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC metallicblå S348I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC metallicblau S346I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC metallicblau S346I Vacuum cleaners 05/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose PL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BLUE MAGIC Metallikblå S348I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT 1300 königsblau S144 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 03/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT 1300 královská modø S144 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 07/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT 2400 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 09/1998 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT 3500 polarblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 11/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT 4500 jadegrün S424I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. BRILLANT HS königsblau S142 Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S252I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S252I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S252I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CALYPSO metallictürkis S252I Vacuum cleaners 03/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S270I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S270I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 12/1992 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S274I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CARIBIC metallictürkis S280I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 01/1992 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG S326I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG S326I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG S326I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karmijnrood S316I Vacuum cleaners 02/1996 01/2000 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S316I Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 08/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 04/1996 09/1998 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 05/1996 050 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 06/1996 10/1996 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 07/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 07/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1996 02/2001 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 10/1996 09/1999 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 11/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose PL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 10/1998 06/2001 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 11/1998 11/1999 050 Suction hose RU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CAT & DOG karminrot S326I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 06/1998 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 09/1996 03/1998 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 11/1996 09/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 11/1996 09/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 11/1996 09/1997 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1997 06/1997 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. CLEAN TEAM lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 06/1997 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. COMMERCIAL karminrot S227 Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. COMMODORE lotosgrün S324I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. COSMOS königsblau S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1997 12/2001 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. DE LUXE lichtgrau S228I Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1200 mintgrün S143 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 10/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1200 tropicgrün S143 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 09/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1200 tropicgrün S143 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 11/1995 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 11/1995 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 10/1996 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 02/1996 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 11/1995 11/1995 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 12/1995 12/1996 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 09/1996 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S251I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 08/1997 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 S271I Vacuum cleaners 06/1996 11/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 11/1995 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 lavagrau S163 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 01/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 mangorot S163 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 01/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 mangorot S163 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 01/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 1400 melonengelb S163 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 01/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 S250I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 01/2002 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1997 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 08/2001 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 mangorot S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 09/2008 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2000 mangorot S251I Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 11/2008 050 Suction hose CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2500 königsblau S251I Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2900 karminrot S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2900 lichtblau S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2008 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2900 mangorot S291 Vacuum cleaners 10/2005 03/2010 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2900 mangorot S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 03/2010 050 Suction hose HK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 2900 melonengelb S291 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3000 karminrot S310I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3100 karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3100 königsblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 12/1998 12/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3100 lotosgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3100 maisgelb S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3200 lotosgrün S312I Vacuum cleaners 12/1998 04/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3200 lotosgrün S312I Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3300 lotosgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3400 königsblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 3500 maisgelb S311I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 4100 königsblau S411I Vacuum cleaners 12/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 05/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 11/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 05/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELECTRONIC 850 maisgelb S140 Vacuum cleaners 10/1998 07/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELNA ALLERGY STOP brillantweiß S428I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 08/1997 050 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ELNA CAT & DOG polarblau S326I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 08/1997 050 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ESPRIT jadegrün S312I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 07/2000 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ESPRIT pastellrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ESPRIT pastellrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 12/1997 07/2000 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. ESPRIT pastellrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2000 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EURO CLASSIC 2000 S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 10/1996 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EURO CLASSIC 2100 lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 10/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EURO CLASSIC 2200 lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 11/1997 02/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROPA azurblau S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 10/1996 040 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROPA azurblau S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 10/1996 040 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR S251I Vacuum cleaners 01/1996 10/1997 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1996 09/1996 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 10/1997 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR S251I Vacuum cleaners 11/1997 11/2002 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR karminrot S248I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 11/2002 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 10/1997 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR karminrot S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2005 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR karminrot S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EUROSTAR königsblau S315I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCELLENT pastellweiß S271I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCELLENT pastellweiß S272I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCELLENT pastellweiß S272I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 12/1994 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE aubergine S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 11/2002 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE königsblau S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2010 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE königsblau S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 01/2010 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE königsblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE maisgelb S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXCLUSIVE SE S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXPERT 1500 türkis S313I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 03/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXPERT königsblau S315I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXPERT lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXPERT orange S310I Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT C S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1987 01/1988 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT GTI türkis, königsbla S310I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 09/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT HE lotosgrün S126 Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT HS karminrot S140 Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 02/2002 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT XE aubergine,lotosgrü S424I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 05/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. EXQUISIT XS königsblau S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FESTIVAL alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 05/1999 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FESTIVAL alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 05/1999 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FESTIVAL alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 05/1999 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FESTIVAL alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1999 12/1999 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FESTIVAL alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 04/1999 05/1999 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FINLANDIA brillantweiß S424I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 12/1993 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO II karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO II karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 01/1996 09/2005 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO karminrot S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO karminrot S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S272I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S274I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S274I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO metallicrot S280I Vacuum cleaners 01/1991 01/1991 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. FLAMENCO rubinrot S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 06/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 08/1999 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 10/1999 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 10/1999 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 11/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 12/1999 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 12/1999 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALA alu-silber S312I Vacuum cleaners 08/1999 11/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GALLERY TAPPETI & MOQUETTE S144 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GEOS MARMI & PIASTRELLE S143 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GOLD 2000 S312I Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 06/2000 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. GOLD smargdgrün S274I Vacuum cleaners 05/1991 12/1991 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. H.E.P.A. 1000 polar ice S168 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 02/2007 050 Acc.floor cleaning CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. JAZZ alu-silber S311I Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. JAZZ alu-silber S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/2002 07/2003 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. JUBILEU brillantweiß S251I Vacuum cleaners 05/1995 01/1996 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MARIN türkismetallic S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 08/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 12/1999 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 12/1997 11/1999 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 05/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 01/2000 050 Suction hose HK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 11/1998 11/1999 050 Suction hose RU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose TR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR brillantweiß S448I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR MINI brillantweiß S148 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDICAIR MINI polar ice S168 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2007 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MEDIVAC brillantweiß S438I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 09/1996 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR S228 Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR S229 Vacuum cleaners 10/1987 05/1990 040 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR 100 karminrot S126 Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR BL S424I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 04/1997 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR BL maisgelb S424I Vacuum cleaners 06/1995 06/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR BXL karminrot S446I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 10/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR C brillantweiß S247I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR C karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR C karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR C karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR C karminrot S252I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR G königsblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR GT pastellrot S312I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR GT pastellrot, türkis S310I Vacuum cleaners 10/1994 10/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR H karminrot S141 Vacuum cleaners 04/1998 04/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR I S228I Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR I S234I Vacuum cleaners 08/1989 04/1992 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR S karminrot,lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR SE metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR SL S272I Vacuum cleaners 11/1986 04/1988 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR SL lichtgrau S272I Vacuum cleaners 11/1986 04/1988 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR SL rubinrot S272I Vacuum cleaners 11/1986 04/1988 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR XL metallicanthrazit S424I Vacuum cleaners 05/1995 04/1998 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. METEOR XL metallicanthrazit S424I Vacuum cleaners 01/1996 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA 1200 S143 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 03/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA 1200 S143 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA 1200 karminrot S143 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 03/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA 1500 aubergine, karminr S424I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 05/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA brillantweiss,lichtgrau S126 Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA C lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA C lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA C lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA C lotosgrün S252I Vacuum cleaners 09/1998 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA HS königsblau S141 Vacuum cleaners 05/1997 08/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA JS karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 02/2003 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA lichtgrau S274I Vacuum cleaners 05/1988 12/1988 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA RS polarblau S321I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 12/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA S lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA TS königsblau, polarbla S312I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA TS maisgelb S291 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. MONDIA TS maisgelb S312I Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 03/2002 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NATURELL lotosgrün S442I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 10/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NATURELL lotosgrün S442I Vacuum cleaners 07/1997 12/2000 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NATURELL maisgelb S246I Vacuum cleaners 11/2001 06/2006 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NOVOSTAR S315I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 06/2000 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NOVOSTAR mintgrün S315I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. NOVOSTAR mintgrün S315I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. OMNIA MINI brillantweiß S145 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO königsblau S424I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO königsblau S424I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO königsblau S424I Vacuum cleaners 01/1999 02/2001 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO MINI blu reale, n S145 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO MINI brill.weiß S145 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning CZ
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT & CO MINI brillantw., S145 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 09/2004 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PARKETT TEAM karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 07/2003 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PASSION vert loto S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 11/1997 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 04/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 05/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 07/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PEPPERMINT mintgrün S311I Vacuum cleaners 08/1998 10/1998 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PLATINUM metallicsilber S344I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 10/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PLATINUM metallicsilber S344I Vacuum cleaners 06/1999 11/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PLUS royal blue S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PLUS royal blue, bleu roi S251I Vacuum cleaners 01/1996 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER 1400 lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 09/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER 1500 pastellrot S334I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 10/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER 1600 melonengelb S290 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER 1600 solgul S290 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 10/2005 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER 1600 sonnengelb S290 Vacuum cleaners 12/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. POWER MAX bleu polaire S290 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 07/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 08/1997 10/1997 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 03/1998 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S410I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 05/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 06/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. PROFI mattgrün S412I Vacuum cleaners 11/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. RED MAGIC S346I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 12/1997 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. RED MAGIC metallicaubergine S346I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 04/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. RED ZAC pastellrot S310I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 01/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 125 S125 Vacuum cleaners 01/1977 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 125 S125 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 125 S125 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 126 S126 Vacuum cleaners 01/1979 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 128 S128 Vacuum cleaners 01/1979 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 128 S128 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 128 S128 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 129 S129 Vacuum cleaners 01/1981 01/1995 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 130 S130 Vacuum cleaners 01/1979 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 135 S135 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 135 S135 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 135 S135 Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 138 S138 Vacuum cleaners 04/1986 09/1988 040 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 138 S138 Vacuum cleaners 01/1986 09/1988 050 Acc.floor cleaning CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 138 S138 Vacuum cleaners 01/1986 09/1988 050 Acc.floor cleaning US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 140 S140 Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 141 S141 Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 142 S142 Vacuum cleaners 12/1996 12/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 143 S143 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 144 S144 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 145 S145 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 145 S145 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 146 S146 Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 12/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 147 S147 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 148 S148 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 03/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 157 S157 Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 12/2000 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 163 S163 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 164 S164 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2012 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 166 S166 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 10/2011 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 168 S168 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 11/2011 050 Acc.floor cleaning
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 S227 Vacuum cleaners 03/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 S227 Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 S227 Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 12/1995 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 227 I S227I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 12/1995 040 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 228 S228 Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 05/1991 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 228 I S228I Vacuum cleaners 02/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 S229 Vacuum cleaners 01/1985 05/1990 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 S229 Vacuum cleaners 01/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 S229 Vacuum cleaners 01/1985 01/1995 040 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 11/1989 040 Suction hose ZA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 12/1989 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 229 I S229I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 12/1989 040 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 230 I S230I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 04/1993 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 230 I S230I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 04/1993 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 230 I S230I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 04/1993 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 231 S231 Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 03/1989 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 231 I S231I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 09/1988 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 232 I S232I Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 01/1996 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 233 S233 Vacuum cleaners 01/1983 04/1990 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 234 I S234I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1992 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 234 I S234I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1992 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 234 I S234I Vacuum cleaners 01/1981 04/1992 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 236 I S236I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 12/1993 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 236 I S236I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 12/1993 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 236 I S236I Vacuum cleaners 01/1981 12/1993 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 237 I S237I Vacuum cleaners 04/1986 01/1995 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 237 I S237I Vacuum cleaners 04/1986 01/1995 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 237 I S237I Vacuum cleaners 04/1986 01/1995 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 240 I S240I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1991 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 240 I S240I Vacuum cleaners 01/1984 01/1991 040 SUCTION HOSE WITH ACCESSORY US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 240 I S240I Vacuum cleaners 01/1982 01/1991 040 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 242 S242 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 246 I S246I Vacuum cleaners 01/1995 11/2010 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 247 I S247I Vacuum cleaners 09/1987 10/1993 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 248 I S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1987 12/1997 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 249 I S249I Vacuum cleaners 09/1987 06/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 250 I S250I Vacuum cleaners 03/1987 08/1991 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 251 I S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1987 11/2010 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 251-1 I S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 11/2008 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 252 I S252I Vacuum cleaners 10/1987 05/1992 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 254 I S254I Vacuum cleaners 05/1987 06/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 255 I S255I Vacuum cleaners 06/1987 06/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 256 I S256I Vacuum cleaners 02/1988 06/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 269 I S269I Vacuum cleaners 06/1990 01/1996 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 270 I S270I Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 01/1996 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 270 I S270I Vacuum cleaners 01/1987 01/1996 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 270 I S270I Vacuum cleaners 01/1987 01/1996 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 270 I S270I Vacuum cleaners 01/1987 01/1996 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 271 I S271I Vacuum cleaners 03/1990 12/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 272 I S272I Vacuum cleaners 11/1985 12/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 274 I S274I Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 12/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 274 I S274I Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 12/1995 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 274 I S274I Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 12/1995 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 274 I S274I Vacuum cleaners 10/1985 12/1995 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 275 I S275I Vacuum cleaners 11/1985 06/1995 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 276 I S276I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 12/1989 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I S280I Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 06/1993 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I S280I Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 06/1993 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I S280I Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 06/1993 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I S280I Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 06/1993 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I-SIL S280I-SIL Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 01/1993 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I-SIL S280I-SIL Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 01/1993 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 280 I-SIL S280I-SIL Vacuum cleaners 08/1985 01/1993 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 282 I S282I Vacuum cleaners 12/1985 09/1987 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 290 S290 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2010 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 291 S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2010 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 291-CH S291 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 04/2010 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 291-CH BLUE STAR königsblau S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2010 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 291-CH SUNSHINE melonengelb S291 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 06/2010 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 300 I S300I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 300 I-2 S300I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 301 I S301I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 301 I-2 S301I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 04/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 310 I S310I Vacuum cleaners 10/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 310 I-2 S310I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 311 I S311I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 311-1 I S311I Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 05/2005 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 312 I S312I Vacuum cleaners 08/1997 07/2006 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 312 I-2 S312I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 313 I S313I Vacuum cleaners 10/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 313 I-2 S313I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 314-1 I königsblau S314I Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 315 I-2 S315I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2006 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 316 I S316I Vacuum cleaners 02/1996 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 316 I-2 S316I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 05/2004 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 316-1 I S316I Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 04/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 318 I S318I Vacuum cleaners 02/1996 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 318 I-2 S318I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 07/2002 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I S321I Vacuum cleaners 09/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I S321I Vacuum cleaners 09/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I S321I Vacuum cleaners 09/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I-2 S321I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I-2 S321I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 321 I-2 S321I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I S322I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I S322I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I S322I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I-2 S322I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I-2 S322I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 322 I-2 S322I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I S323I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I S323I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I S323I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I-2 S323I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I-2 S323I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 323 I-2 S323I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I S324I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I S324I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I S324I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I-2 S324I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I-2 S324I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 324 I-2 S324I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 CAT & DOG S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I S326I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I-2 S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I-2 S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 326 I-2 S326I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I S328I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I S328I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I S328I Vacuum cleaners 08/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I-2 S328I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I-2 S328I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 328 I-2 S328I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I S334I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I S334I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I S334I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I-2 S334I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I-2 S334I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 334 I-2 S334I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I S336I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I S336I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I S336I Vacuum cleaners 11/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I-2 S336I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I-2 S336I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 336 I-2 S336I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I-2 S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I-2 S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 338 I-2 S338I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 342 I S342I Vacuum cleaners 04/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 342 I-2 S342I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 344 I S344I Vacuum cleaners 10/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 344 I-2 S344I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 346 I S346I Vacuum cleaners 02/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 346 I-2 S346I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 347 I S347I Vacuum cleaners 02/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 347 I-2 S347I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 348 I S348I Vacuum cleaners 01/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 348 I-2 S348I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 400 I S400I Vacuum cleaners 02/1994 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 400 I-2 S400I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 401 I S401I Vacuum cleaners 02/1993 01/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 401 I-2 S401I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 402 I S402I Vacuum cleaners 11/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 402 I-2 S402I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 404 I S404I Vacuum cleaners 11/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 404 I-2 S404I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 408 I S408I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 408 I-2 S408I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 410 I S410I Vacuum cleaners 12/1992 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 410 I-2 S410I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 411 I S411I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 411 I-2 S411I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 412 I S412I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 412 I-2 S412I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 414 I S414I Vacuum cleaners 01/1996 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 414 I-2 S414I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 420 I S420I Vacuum cleaners 12/1992 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 421 I S421I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 421 I-2 S421I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 422 I S422I Vacuum cleaners 11/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 422 I-2 S422I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 424 I S424I Vacuum cleaners 02/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 424 I-2 S424I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 426 I S426I Vacuum cleaners 02/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 426 I-2 S426I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 428 I S428I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 428 I-2 S428I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 434 I S434I Vacuum cleaners 06/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 434 I-2 S434I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 436 I S436I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 436 I-2 S436I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 438 I S438I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 438 I-2 S438I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 442 I S442I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 442 I-2 S442I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S412I Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 10/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 09/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 10/1995 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 02/1994 09/1995 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I S444I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 07/1995 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I-2 S444I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 444 I-2 S444I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 445 I S445I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 445 I-2 S445I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 446 I S446I Vacuum cleaners 02/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 446 I-2 S446I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 447 I S447I Vacuum cleaners 02/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 447 I-2 S447I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 448 I S448I Vacuum cleaners 05/1993 02/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 448 I-2 S448I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. S 448 WHITE PEARL S448I Vacuum cleaners 11/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SAMBA karminrot S271I Vacuum cleaners 08/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SAMBA pastellrot S310I Vacuum cleaners 06/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SAMBA pastellrot S312I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 12/1999 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SAPPHIRE metallicblau S424I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 07/1996 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S126 Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 01/1997 040 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S227I Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S228I Vacuum cleaners 10/1993 01/1995 040 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S232I Vacuum cleaners 05/1985 10/1988 040 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S312I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 12/2000 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR 1300 tiefschwarz S144 Vacuum cleaners 12/2000 02/2003 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR 1500 C karminrot S312I Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 04/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR C lotosgrün S141 Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 11/1997 050 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR CL S310I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 12/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR CL lotosgrün S310I Vacuum cleaners 12/1994 12/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR CL lotosgrün, karminro S312I Vacuum cleaners 12/1997 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR CS aubergine, karminro S334I Vacuum cleaners 05/1995 09/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL S271I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 03/1995 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL S272I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 05/1990 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL S280I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 05/1990 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL S280I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 05/1990 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL AUTOMATIC S280I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 05/1990 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR GL AUTOMATIC S280I Vacuum cleaners 05/1986 05/1990 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR LX metallicanthrazit S444I Vacuum cleaners 05/1994 10/1999 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR S azurblau, aubergine S424I Vacuum cleaners 06/1994 10/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR SE AUTOMATIC S446I Vacuum cleaners 06/1994 10/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENATOR SL metallicblau S346I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 12/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SENIOR lotosgrün S271I Vacuum cleaners 03/1996 10/1996 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SERIES 10 S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SERIES 10 lotusgrün S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S412I Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 01/2000 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 10/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 10/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 11/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 12/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 12/1996 03/1997 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 03/1997 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 08/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 06/1997 03/1997 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 09/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 11/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber S421I Vacuum cleaners 11/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SILVERSTAR metallicsilber SILVERST Vacuum cleaners 01/1986 01/1993 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SMARAGD irischgrünmetallic S311I Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 08/2000 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 06/1997 050 Suction hose GR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1997 08/2000 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1997 01/2000 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL lotosgrün S129 Vacuum cleaners 06/1995 10/1996 040 Acc.floor cleaning DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SPECIAL TURBO türkis S410I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 03/1997 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUN FLOWER maisgelb S310I Vacuum cleaners 02/1996 01/1997 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUN FLOWER maisgelb S321I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 06/2001 050 Suction hose JP
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUN FLOWER maisgelb S410I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 04/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUNSHINE maisgelb S310I Vacuum cleaners 05/1995 04/1996 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUPERIOR 1400 lotosgrün S251I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 12/1998 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUPERIOR 1450 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/1998 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUPERIOR 1500 türkis S321I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 10/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUPERIOR 1550 königsblau S323I Vacuum cleaners 12/1997 10/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. SUPERIOR 1600 pastellrot S334I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 05/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TANGO karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TANGO karminrot S311I Vacuum cleaners 06/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. THE ALTERNATIVE mint grün S143 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 04/2005 050 Acc.floor cleaning GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. THE SOLUTION mintgrün S312I Vacuum cleaners 02/1998 08/1998 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. THE SOLUTION mintgrün S312I Vacuum cleaners 04/1998 09/1999 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. THE SOLUTION PLUS met.anthra S438I Vacuum cleaners 10/1998 03/1999 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. THE SOLUTION PLUS met.anthra S438I Vacuum cleaners 01/1999 12/1999 050 Suction hose IE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TOP MODEL encarnado carmin S310I Vacuum cleaners 04/1997 06/1997 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TOPAS polarblau S311I Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 11/2004 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TROPIC orange S310I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 12/1997 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TROPIC orange S311I Vacuum cleaners 05/1997 04/1998 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TROPIC orange S311I Vacuum cleaners 01/1998 08/1999 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR S271I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR S280I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR F1 S271I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR F2 S271I Vacuum cleaners 08/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO STAR metallictürkis S272I Vacuum cleaners 01/1992 04/1994 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 10/1996 040 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose CA
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM S251I Vacuum cleaners 06/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM aubergine S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose CH
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM königsblau S310I Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM lichtgrau S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM lotosgrün S247I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 10/1996 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM maisgelb S315I Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM pastellweiß S251I Vacuum cleaners 02/1991 10/1992 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBO TEAM RUBY RED S248I Vacuum cleaners 05/1996 12/1997 050 Suction hose US
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. TURBOSTAR 300 maisgelb S310I Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WELTSTAR 1100 S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 10/1996 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WELTSTAR 1200 rubinrot S232I Vacuum cleaners 04/1994 10/1996 040 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WELTSTAR 2100 königsblau S251I Vacuum cleaners 12/1997 02/2000 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WELTSTAR RUBIN 1400 I karminro S251I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 08/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WELTSTAR RUBIN 1400 karminrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 09/1997 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL S434I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 12/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL S444I Vacuum cleaners 07/1996 10/1998 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL S446I Vacuum cleaners 10/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL Pärlemormetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S424I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 08/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S424I Vacuum cleaners 04/1993 08/1999 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S444I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 10/1998 050 Suction hose GB
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 07/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 01/1997 050 Suction hose AU
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 07/1999 050 Suction hose IT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 08/1995 08/1999 050 Suction hose NL
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 10/1997 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 07/1999 050 Suction hose ES
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S446I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose PT
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S448I Vacuum cleaners 04/1995 02/1998 050 Suction hose FR
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S448I Vacuum cleaners 09/1995 09/1999 050 Suction hose NO
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S448I Vacuum cleaners 01/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose FI
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S448I Vacuum cleaners 02/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose SE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE PEARL perlmuttmetallic S448I Vacuum cleaners 10/1997 09/1999 050 Suction hose DK
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WHITE STAR brillantweiß S251I Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WILD ROSE karminrot S410I Vacuum cleaners 07/1995 03/1996 050 Suction hose DE
3565460 Tubular handle anthracite vollst. WILD ROSE pastellrot S251I Vacuum cleaners 10/1996 12/1999 050 Suction hose BE
3565460, S142, S227I, S234I, S125, S143, S228, S236I, S126, S144, S228I, S237I, S128, S145, S229, S240I, S129, S146, S229I, S242, S130, S147, S230I, S246I, S135, S148, S231, S247I, S138, S157, S231I, S248I, S140, S217, S232I, S249I, S141, S227, S233, S250I, S251I, S274I, S311-1l, S323I, S252I, S275I, S311I, S324I, S254I, S276I, S312I, S326I, S255I, S280I, S313I, S328I, S256I, S282I, S314, I, S334I, S269I, S290, S315I, S336I, S270I, S291, S316I, S338I, S271, S300, S318I, S342I, S271I, S300I, S321I, S344I, S272I, S310I, S322I, S346I, S347I, S408I, S422I, S442I, S348I, S410I, S424I, S444I, S400, S411I, S426I, S445I, S400I, S412I, S428I, S446I, S401I, S414I, S434I, S447I, S402I, S420I, S436I, S448I, S404I, S421I, S438I
6.50 € |
6.50 €
5269091, 05269091 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva VCMI-014
Tinka modeliams:
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 30 AR I SVERIGE koppar S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA bourgogneroodmetal S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA donkerblauw-met S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA eisgrünmetallic S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 2000 königsbl S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 500 brill.weiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 600 brill.weiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 800 brill.weiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS S638 Vacuum cleaners 08/1999 07/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 03/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS indigobl. S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl. S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY H.E.P.A. polar ice S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 11/2007 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA PLUS brillantweiß S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC HEPA PLUS mangorot S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 07/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR brill.weiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMARANTH burgunderrotmetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 05/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBITION stahlblmet S772 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANIVERSARIO melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite APOLLO indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARGENTO goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL polar ice S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 10/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO polar ice S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 04/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA brombeerrot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 02/2012 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA mangorot S4280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATLANTIS königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTO ECO 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 melonengelb S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 lichtblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5280 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG silber S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 09/2004 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC 700 noir profond S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 10/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK obsischwarz S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 2000 diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 obsidianschw S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF5 SKRF5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE CLEAN 1900 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE LAGOON electric blue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2008 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MAGIC 2000 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 09/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE STAR royal blue S524 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S624 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CALIMA kanariengelb S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPELLA königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 02/2013 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARAMEL 700 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARCARE tiefschwarz S6210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARE SYSTEM mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARINA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 indischrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 karminrot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 brombeerrot S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 10/2012 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 12/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 rouge carmin S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 silber S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG königsblau S516 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2009 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. tizianrotmet. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S516 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 01/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 08/2005 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS königsblau S526 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S516 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2006 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG tiefschwarz S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 2000 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 02/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 02/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 05/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT AND DOG PLUS S526 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 chilirot S6320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 liliengruen PF S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG EXTRA 700 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG PREMIUM 5000 bromb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO PLUS brombrt S5361 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CELEBRATION champagnermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 11/2003 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHILI POWER chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLASSIC goldbronzemetallic S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL silver passion S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN PARKETT mangorot S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 königsblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 tiefschwarz S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S511 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S528 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 05/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMFORT tizianrotmetallic S5481 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET mandelbraun S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET pistaziengrün S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAB0 SEAB0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAC0 SEAC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAE1 SEAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAG0 SEAG0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 08/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ0 SEAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ1 SEAJ1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEBC0 SEBC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA0 SGDA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA1 SGDA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA3 SGDA3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC0 SGDC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC1 SGDC1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE0 SGDE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE1 SGDE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE3 SGDE3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF3 SGDF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF4 SGDF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF5 SGDF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG0 SGDG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG1 SGDG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDH0 SGDH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDN0 SGDN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDP3 SGDP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA0 SGEA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA1 SGEA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA3 SGEA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE0 SGEE0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE1 SGEE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF3 SGEF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF4 SGEF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF5 SGEF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEH0 SGEH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEN0 SGEN0 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA0 SGFA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA1 SGFA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA3 SGFA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFC0 SGFC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE0 SGFE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE1 SGFE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF3 SGFF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF4 SGFF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF5 SGFF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG0 SGFG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG1 SGFG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH0 SGFH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH1 SGFH1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH2 SGFH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK0 SGFK0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK1 SGFK1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK2 SGFK2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFP3 SGFP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA0 SGJA0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA1 SGJA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE0 SGJE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE1 SGJE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE3 SGJE3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJP3 SGJP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA1 SGSA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA3 SGSA3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSC1 SGSC1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSE1 SGSE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF3 SGSF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF4 SGSF4 Vacuum cleaners 05/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF5 SGSF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 BOOST SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG2 SGSG2 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG3 SGSG3 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH1 SGSH1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH2 SGSH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH4 SGSH4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK3 SGSK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK5 SGSK5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP3 SGSP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP4 SGSP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP5 SGSP5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGTP3 SGTP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DEEP CLEAN koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI & CO indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 01/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DYNAMIC PARKETT & H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 05/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 50000 capriblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2200 chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 02/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2210 lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 09/2014 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2300 lavagrau S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 05/2013 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3600 sonnengelb S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2012 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3900 lichtblau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 mintgrün S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 sonnengelb S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 lichtblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2013 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 01/2013 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 karminrot S612 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 königsblau S612 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6200 brombeerrot S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 09/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 700 karminrot S710 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 karminot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 lichtblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 04/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 07/2008 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 melonengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7700 sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 09/2014 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8300 sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC S7000 lichtblau S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 03/2009 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC SOFT TOUCH S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC TURBO lunasilber S5361 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 03/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCEL HUMAN nachtblaumet. S648 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 01/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE eisgrünmetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT N sienarot S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLAMENCO 2000 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLEXI VAC brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLOORCARE mangorot S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME LAGOON capriblau S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GALA marineblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD 2000 sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD EDITION 80 YEARS S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 02/2008 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2003 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 11/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD HORIZON goldbronzemet. S528 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD LIMITED EDITION sonneng. S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2006 12/2006 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD METALLIC POWER S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITO black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC 2000 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC irischgrünmetallic S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREENSTAR 1900 javagrün S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR 4000 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR permuttsilbermet. S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 mangorot S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2004 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HEALTHY CLEAN lotosweiß S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HOMECARE sprintblau S6290 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER I indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER II indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 09/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JANUS capriblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JASPER pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JUBILEE silver passion S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite KONA obsidianschwarz S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION champagnermet S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite M.A.X. mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC BLUE 700 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC MINT 700 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER schwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 PLUS brillantweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 lichtblau S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS polar ice S828 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 06/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S848 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC polar ice S518 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 11/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MERCURY achatgraumetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR A burgunderrotmetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR M sienarot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MIXTURA bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOMENTUM PLUS sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA D tropcgrün S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA N tropicgrün S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOONLIGHT perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S2 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S4 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NOBLESSE goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OCEANITO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OECO safrangelb S5411 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA PLUS perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ONYX tiefschwarz S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S644 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPTICLEAN 5000 stahlblau-met. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PACIFIC POWER capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 2000 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 electricblue S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 01/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 könnigsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO el.blue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 12/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met. S514 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 11/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO tiefschwarz S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 03/2009 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 07/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT PLUS capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT XL mandelbraun S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 04/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 el.bluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 electricbluem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 08/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 sprintblau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 500 indigoblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 6000 sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 03/2006 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S834 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET POWER tiefschwarz S761 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUETT & CO PLUS royal blue S624 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 07/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PASTELITO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 05/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 09/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgul S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 melonengelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 polar ice S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER CLEAN HEPA tiefschwarz S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER PLUS 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM brombeerrot S762 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM mangorot S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA eisgrünmetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite QUARTZ lotosweiß S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RAFFINESSE bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 04/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON rosso indiano S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 12/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED PEARL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED VELVET rubinrot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RELAX nachtblaumet. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSITO rouge indien S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSSO chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBIN brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBY burgundy red metallic S738 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 360 S360 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 370 S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 371 S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 372 S372 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 373 S373 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 374 S374 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 376 S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 378 S378 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 380 S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 381 S381 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 382 S382 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 384 S384 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 386 S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 388 S388 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 05/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 500 S500 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 501 S501 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 510 S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511 S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511-1 S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512 S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512-1 S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 513 S513 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514 S514 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514-1 S514-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 515-1 S515-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516 S516 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516-1 S516-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 517-1 S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518 S518 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5211 CH YOUNGSTYLE S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 524 S524 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 526 S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 528 S528 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 534 S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 536 S536 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 538 S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 544 S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 S548 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 PLUS brillantweiß S548 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5481 CH MEDICAIR PLUS S5481 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 570 S570 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 571 S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 572 S572 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 578 S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 07/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 624 S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 XXL S626 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 S628 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 XXL S628 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 634 S634 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 636 S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 638 S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 644 S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 646 S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 648 S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 SONATA sprintblau S774 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710 S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710-1 S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711 S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711-1 S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712 S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712-1 S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714 S714 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714-1 S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715 S715 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715-1 S715-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 03/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716 S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716-1 S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 717 S717 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718 S718 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718-1 S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 744 S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 INDIGO XTRAPOWER S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 748 S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 749 S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 760 S760 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 761 S761 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 03/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 POWERCLEAN 700 stahblmet S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 10/2013 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 764 S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 S766 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 CAT & DOG mangorot S766 Vacuum cleaners 04/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 768 S768 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 11/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 S770 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 BLACK obsidianschwarz S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 WHITE lotosweiß S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 EXCLUSIVE sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PREMIUM sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO BLACK ED.obsischw S771 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 772 S772 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 774 S774 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 776 CAT&DOG mangorot S774 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 778 S778 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 826 S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 828 S828 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 834 S834 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 836 S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 838 S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 844 S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 846 S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 848 S848 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 849 S849 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 AirClean mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR lavagrau S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 DIMENSION lavagrau S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EcoComfort königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 Ecoline chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2010 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EXCLUSIVE mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 HOMECARE lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 MOMENTUM königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SUPERCLEAN lotosweiß S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2110 S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2111 S2111 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 Plus lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 11/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2121 S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2130 S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2131 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2180 S2180 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2181 S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 CONTOUR lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECO PREMIUM-ED.lotosw S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE marineblau S4260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE PLUS brombeerrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 FASCINATION stahlblmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 10/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 10/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 LIMITED EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 SPECIAL EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TURBO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 XTRACARE tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 YOUNGSTYLE S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210 S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 05/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211 S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH FREESTYLE indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS CORAIL chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS PARKETT brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS TOPAZ türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH OPERA purpurschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH SILVERBIRD stahlblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 PARQUET mangorot S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 S4221 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 EXCLUSIVE EDITION tiefsw S4221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 11/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222-CH JAZZ purpurschwarz st S4222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4260 S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4261 S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4262 S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4280 S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4281 S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 EXCLUSIVE EDIT.königsbl. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 H.E.P.A. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4283 H.E.P.A. MANGOROT S4282 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4812 HYBRID S4812 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 08/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CAT & DOG TURBO brombeerrot S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 COMFORT XL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 DUOFLEX tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOAVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE 5000 melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 11/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. javagrün S5281 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE YOUNG VISION koior. S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 OECO PLUS safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PARKETT CARE mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 Parkett XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM lavagrau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 TWISTER lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH AVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH CELEBRATION königsbl S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 EXKLUSIV-EDITION brombr. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5310 S5310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361 S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH BIG CAT&DOG lunasilb. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS capribl. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS lavagrau S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5380 S5380 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5410 S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 CH ECO COMFORT S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5421 S5421 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5480 S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 PREMIUM EDITION tiefschw S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 AMARILLO kanariengelb S6210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CAT&DOG chilirot S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTINUUM pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTOUR chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ECOFOX chilirot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 HUMMING BIRD lotosweiß S6340 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 LOTUSWHITE lotosweiß S6360 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 MOMENTUM mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PUREAIR S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ULTIMATE PARQUET mangorot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 S6210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 PREMIUM-EDITION obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220 S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6230 S6230 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 S6240 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 ECOLINE lavagrau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6250 S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6260 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270-CH ECOLINE chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6290 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6310 S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6320 S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6330 S6330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6340 S6340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6350 S6350 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6360 S6360 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6390 S6390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ALLERGY COMFORT lotosweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BLACK DIAMOND obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 02/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8330 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG koiorange S8380 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CONTOUR kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DEEP CLEAN koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DIMENSION tizianrot met. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DUOFLEX sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE S8340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE PARQUET S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HOMECARE mangorot S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IN
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 OPTICLEAN lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQ SPEC.BRILL.LIGHT bromb S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECI.ECOLINE bromb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECIAL brombeerrot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PUREAIR S8330 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SELECT PARQUET XL bronze pf S8330 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SILENCE PLUS ECO.ALL S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE PLUS tiefseeblm S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 XXL kanariengelb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8000 ECOLINE lotosweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 PLUS sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 TURBO lotosweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310-CH HOMECARE elfenbweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8320 S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HARDFLTW.BRILL.LIGHT S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT HEPA obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischwarz S8340 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE SOLUTION S8340 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE sprintblau S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 ECOLINE PREM E. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOAVANTAGE S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOLINE kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH SKY sprintblau S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8380 S8380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PLUS S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PREM E. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA diamantgrau S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 SILENCE SOLUTION S8390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510 S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH ELITE PARQUET S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH PARQUET tizianrotmet. S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520 S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH BIG CAT&DOG S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA diamantgrau S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA obsischw S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA tiefseeblau met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530-CH MEDICAIR PLUS S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590 S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590-CH UNIQ mahagoniebr.met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SAPHIR königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 02/2010 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD0 SBAD0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD1 SBAD1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 10/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD3 SBAD3 Vacuum cleaners 02/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF3 SBAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF5 SBAF5 Vacuum cleaners 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG0 SBAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG1 SBAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAJ0 SBAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAN0 SBAN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAP3 SBAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBBN0 SBBN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 03/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD0 SBCD0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD3 SBCD3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCF3 SBCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCN0 SBCN0 Vacuum cleaners 11/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB0 SCAB0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB3 SCAB3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAC0 SCAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE0 SCAE0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE1 SCAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 02/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAF3 SCAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG0 SCAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG1 SCAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG2 SCAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAJ0 SCAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAP3 SCAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBC0 SCBC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBE1 SCBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBF3 SCBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCF3 SCCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG0 SCCG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG1 SCCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG1 SCRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG2 SCRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRP3 SCRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB0 SDAB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB1 SDAB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB3 SDAB3 Vacuum cleaners 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB4 SDAB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC0 SDAC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC1 SDAC1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE1 SDAE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE4 SDAE4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF3 SDAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF4 SDAF4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG0 SDAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG1 SDAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAJ0 SDAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAN0 SDAN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAO0 SDAO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP3 SDAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP4 SDAP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB0 SDBB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB3 SDBB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB4 SDBB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE0 SDBE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE1 SDBE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE4 SDBE4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF3 SDBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF4 SDBF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO0 SDBO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO3 SDBO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO4 SDBO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB0 SDCB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB1 SDCB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB3 SDCB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB4 SDCB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE1 SDCE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE4 SDCE4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF3 SDCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF4 SDCF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG0 SDCG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG1 SDCG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCJ0 SDCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCN0 SDCN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO0 SDCO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO3 SDCO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO4 SDCO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP3 SDCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP4 SDCP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRB4 SDRB4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRE1 SDRE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF3 SDRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF4 SDRF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG1 SDRG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG3 SDRG3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG4 SDRG4 Vacuum cleaners 06/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK3 SDRK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK4 SDRK4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP3 SDRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP4 SDRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG brombrt. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CLEAN PARQUET S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT PARQUET mangorot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 CL eisgrünmetalic S548 Vacuum cleaners 12/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 SL irischgrünmeta S544 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PARQUET nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 12/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIENA sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetallic S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetrallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC silber S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER POWER lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER SHADOW champagnermetall S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SINNA karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIRIUS electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 05/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCE0 BOOST CX1 SNCE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCF0 BOOST CX1 SNCF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCO0 BOOST CX1 SNCO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRE0 BOOST CX1 SNRE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRF0 BOOST CX1 SNRF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRO0 BOOST CX1 SNRO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT GREEN 700 opalgrün S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT RED 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER 700 silber S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS melonengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION H.E.P.A. mangorot S388 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5000 marineblau S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 03/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S524 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA königsblau S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA mangorot S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA sprintblau S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SPECIAL chilirot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite STARLIGHT goldbronzemetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SURPRISE stahlblau met. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO BLACK EDITION tiefschw S381 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO burgunderrotmetallic S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS Karmínovì èervená S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 02/2013 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 12/2009 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 02/2013 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 02/2013 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2007 12/2008 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 01/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN 2 liliengrün pf S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500-1 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION S518 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TIMBER PARQUET tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 03/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS bahamablau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS Polární modø, modrá S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAZ mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 03/2010 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 2000 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 silver passion S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 tizianrotmet. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE eisgrünmetallic S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 10/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2006 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO 700 lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2300 achatgraumet S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2500 metal.blau S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 mangorot S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 10/2007 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 300 königsblau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 700 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM palmengrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VANILLA POWER melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA-1 sonnengelb S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CAT&DOG tiefschwarz S5361 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE PEARL XXL lotosweiss S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2003 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met.. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 indigoblau S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 05/2006 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL CARE HEPA tiefschwarz S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YELLOW 500 melonengelb S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 03/2010 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
S2110 S2 Ecoline
S2110 S2110
S2111 S2111
S2120 S2 EcoComfort
S2120 S2120
S2120 S2120 Plus
S2121 S2121
S2130 S2130
S2131 S2131
S2180 S2180
S2181 S2181
S360 S 360
S370 S 370
S371 S 371
S372 S 372
S373 S 373
S374 S 374
S378 S 378
S380 POWER 1800
S380 S 380
S381 PARKETT & CO 1800
S381 S 381
S382 S 382
S384 S 384
S386 CAT & DOG
S386 S 386
S388 S 388
S4210 S4210
S4211 DUOFLEX 2000
S4211 GOAL
S4211 HARD FLOOR 4000
S4211 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4211 PARKETT&CO 4000
S4211 S4211
S4212 BLUE CLEAN 1900
S4212 DUOFLEX 4000
S4212 MANGO 1900
S4212 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4212 S4212
S4212 S4212 PLUS
S4212 S4212 XS CORAIL
S4212 S4212 XS PARKETT
S4212 S4212 XS TOPAZ
S4221 S4221
S4222 S4222
S4260 S4260
S4261 S4261
S4262 S4262
S4280 BABY CARE 4000
S4280 S4280
S4281 BABY CARE 4000
S4281 S4281
S4282 BABY CARE 4000
S4282 S4282 H.E.P.A.
S4812 S4812 HYBRID
S500 S 500
S501 S 501
S510 S 510
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 S 511
S512 GOLD 2000
S512 PARKETT & CO 500
S512 S 512
S513 S 513
S514 S 514
S516 CAT & DOG
S516 S 516
S518 PARQUET 500
S518 S 518
S5210 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5210 GALA
S5210 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5210 S5210
S5211 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5211 GOAL
S5211 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5211 S5211
S5220 S5220
S5221 S5221
S524 S 524
S526 S 526
S5260 S5260
S5261 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5261 S5261
S528 S 528
S5280 BABY CARE 5000
S5280 S5280
S5281 BABY CARE 5000
S5281 OPTICLEAN 5000
S5281 PARKETT & CO 5000 modeliams.
S5281 S5281
S5281 S5281 H.E.P.A.
S5310 S5310
S534 S 534
S536 S 536
S5361 CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS
S5361 S5361
S538 S 538
S5410 S5410
S5411 OECO
S5411 S5411
S5421 S5421
S544 S 544
S544 SENATOR 1600 SL
S548 S 548
S548 S 548 PLUS
S548 SENATOR 1600 CL
S5480 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5480 S5480
S5481 AUTO ECO 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 50000
S5481 S5481
S560 S 560
S570 S 570
S571 S 571
S572 S 572
S578 S 578
S612 S 612
S6210 PARQUET 6000
S6210 S6
S6210 S6210
S6220 CAT & DOG 6000
S6220 CAT&DOG 6000
S6220 S6220
S6230 S6230
S624 BRILLANT 6600
S624 S 624
S6240 PARKETT&CO 6000
S6240 PARKETT&CO.6000
S6240 S6240
S6240 S6240 ECOLINE
S6250 S6 CAT&DOG
S6250 S6250
S626 BRILLANT 6600
S626 S 626
S626 S 626 XXL
S6260 S6260
S6260 S6290
S6270 S6270
S6270 S6370
S628 S 628
S628 S 628 XXL
S6310 S6310
S6320 CAT&DOG 6000
S6320 S6320
S6330 S6330
S634 S 634
S6340 S6340
S6350 S6350
S636 S 636
S6360 S6360
S638 S 638
S6390 S6390
S644 S 644
S646 S 646
S648 S 648
S710 S 710
S711 BRILLANT 7600
S711 CARAMEL 700
S711 FLAMENCO 2000
S711 PARKETT 700
S711 S 711
S711 SOFT BLUE 700
S711 YELLOW 500
S712 BLUE MAGIC 2000
S712 PARKETT & CO 700
S712 PARQUET 700
S712 S 712
S714 S 714
S715 S 715
S716 CAT & DOG 2000
S716 CAT & DOG 700
S716 CAT & DOG MAX 2000
S716 S 716
S716 TURBO TEAM 2000
S717 S 717
S718 S 718
S724 S 724
S726 CAT & DOG 700
S726 CAT&DOG 700
S726 S 726
S726 S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS
S728 S 728
S734 S 734
S736 S 736
S738 S 738
S744 S 744
S745 S 745
S745 XTRA POWER 2100
S748 S 748
S749 S 749
S749 SOFT RED 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2100
S749 XTRA POWER 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2500
S760 S 760
S761 S 761
S762 PARKETT 700
S762 S 762
S762 TURBO 700
S764 S 764
S766 S 766
S766 S 766 CAT & DOG
S768 S 768
S770 S 770
S771 S 771
S771 S 771 TANGO
S772 S 772
S774 S 700 SONATA
S774 S 774
S774 S 776 CAT&DOG
S778 S 778
S812 S 812
S812 S 812 XXL
S812 XXL 2000
S826 BRILLANT 8600
S826 PARKETT & CO 800
S826 S 826
S828 S 828
S8310 S8
S8310 S8 XXL
S8310 S8310
S8310 S8310 PLUS
S8310 S8310 POWER PLUS
S8310 S8310 XXL
S8320 S8 CAT&DOG
S8320 S8 HAUS&CO
S8320 S8320
S8330 S8
S8330 S8330
S8330 S8330 HEPA
S834 S 834
S8340 S8000 ECOLINE
S8340 S8340
S8340 S8340 ECOLINE
S836 CAT & DOG 800
S836 S 836
S8360 S8360
S8360 S8360 ECOLINE
S8360 S8360 HEPA
S8370 S8370
S838 S 838
S8380 S8 CAT&DOG
S8380 S8380
S844 S 844
S846 S 846
S848 S 848
S849 S 849
S 511
S 512
S 514
S 515
S 516
S 517
S 518
S 710
S 711
S 712
S 714
S 715
S 716
S 718
8.50 € |
8.50 €
5269091, 05269091 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva VCMI-072
Tinka modeliams:
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 30 AR I SVERIGE koppar S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA bourgogneroodmetal S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA donkerblauw-met S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA eisgrünmetallic S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 2000 königsbl S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 500 brill.weiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 600 brill.weiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 800 brill.weiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS S638 Vacuum cleaners 08/1999 07/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 03/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS indigobl. S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl. S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY H.E.P.A. polar ice S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 11/2007 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA PLUS brillantweiß S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC HEPA PLUS mangorot S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 07/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR brill.weiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMARANTH burgunderrotmetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 05/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBITION stahlblmet S772 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANIVERSARIO melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite APOLLO indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARGENTO goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL polar ice S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 10/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO polar ice S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 04/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA brombeerrot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 02/2012 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA mangorot S4280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATLANTIS königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTO ECO 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 melonengelb S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 lichtblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5280 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG silber S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 09/2004 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC 700 noir profond S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 10/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK obsischwarz S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 2000 diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 obsidianschw S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF5 SKRF5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE CLEAN 1900 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE LAGOON electric blue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2008 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MAGIC 2000 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 09/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE STAR royal blue S524 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S624 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CALIMA kanariengelb S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPELLA königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 02/2013 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARAMEL 700 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARCARE tiefschwarz S6210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARE SYSTEM mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARINA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 indischrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 karminrot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 brombeerrot S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 10/2012 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 12/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 rouge carmin S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 silber S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG königsblau S516 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2009 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. tizianrotmet. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S516 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 01/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 08/2005 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS königsblau S526 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S516 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2006 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG tiefschwarz S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 2000 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 02/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 02/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 05/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT AND DOG PLUS S526 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 chilirot S6320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 liliengruen PF S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG EXTRA 700 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG PREMIUM 5000 bromb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO PLUS brombrt S5361 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CELEBRATION champagnermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 11/2003 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHILI POWER chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLASSIC goldbronzemetallic S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL silver passion S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN PARKETT mangorot S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 königsblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 tiefschwarz S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S511 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S528 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 05/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMFORT tizianrotmetallic S5481 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET mandelbraun S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET pistaziengrün S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAB0 SEAB0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAC0 SEAC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAE1 SEAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAG0 SEAG0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 08/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ0 SEAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ1 SEAJ1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEBC0 SEBC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA0 SGDA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA1 SGDA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA3 SGDA3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC0 SGDC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC1 SGDC1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE0 SGDE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE1 SGDE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE3 SGDE3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF3 SGDF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF4 SGDF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF5 SGDF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG0 SGDG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG1 SGDG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDH0 SGDH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDN0 SGDN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDP3 SGDP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA0 SGEA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA1 SGEA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA3 SGEA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE0 SGEE0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE1 SGEE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF3 SGEF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF4 SGEF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF5 SGEF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEH0 SGEH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEN0 SGEN0 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA0 SGFA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA1 SGFA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA3 SGFA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFC0 SGFC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE0 SGFE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE1 SGFE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF3 SGFF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF4 SGFF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF5 SGFF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG0 SGFG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG1 SGFG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH0 SGFH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH1 SGFH1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH2 SGFH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK0 SGFK0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK1 SGFK1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK2 SGFK2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFP3 SGFP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA0 SGJA0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA1 SGJA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE0 SGJE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE1 SGJE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE3 SGJE3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJP3 SGJP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA1 SGSA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA3 SGSA3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSC1 SGSC1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSE1 SGSE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF3 SGSF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF4 SGSF4 Vacuum cleaners 05/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF5 SGSF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 BOOST SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG2 SGSG2 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG3 SGSG3 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH1 SGSH1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH2 SGSH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH4 SGSH4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK3 SGSK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK5 SGSK5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP3 SGSP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP4 SGSP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP5 SGSP5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGTP3 SGTP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DEEP CLEAN koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI & CO indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 01/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DYNAMIC PARKETT & H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 05/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 50000 capriblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2200 chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 02/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2210 lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 09/2014 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2300 lavagrau S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 05/2013 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3600 sonnengelb S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2012 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3900 lichtblau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 mintgrün S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 sonnengelb S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 lichtblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2013 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 01/2013 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 karminrot S612 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 königsblau S612 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6200 brombeerrot S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 09/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 700 karminrot S710 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 karminot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 lichtblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 04/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 07/2008 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 melonengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7700 sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 09/2014 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8300 sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC S7000 lichtblau S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 03/2009 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC SOFT TOUCH S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC TURBO lunasilber S5361 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 03/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCEL HUMAN nachtblaumet. S648 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 01/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE eisgrünmetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT N sienarot S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLAMENCO 2000 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLEXI VAC brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLOORCARE mangorot S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME LAGOON capriblau S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GALA marineblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD 2000 sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD EDITION 80 YEARS S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 02/2008 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2003 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 11/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD HORIZON goldbronzemet. S528 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD LIMITED EDITION sonneng. S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2006 12/2006 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD METALLIC POWER S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITO black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC 2000 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC irischgrünmetallic S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREENSTAR 1900 javagrün S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR 4000 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR permuttsilbermet. S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 mangorot S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2004 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HEALTHY CLEAN lotosweiß S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HOMECARE sprintblau S6290 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER I indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER II indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 09/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JANUS capriblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JASPER pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JUBILEE silver passion S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite KONA obsidianschwarz S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION champagnermet S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite M.A.X. mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC BLUE 700 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC MINT 700 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER schwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 PLUS brillantweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 lichtblau S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS polar ice S828 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 06/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S848 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC polar ice S518 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 11/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MERCURY achatgraumetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR A burgunderrotmetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR M sienarot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MIXTURA bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOMENTUM PLUS sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA D tropcgrün S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA N tropicgrün S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOONLIGHT perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S2 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S4 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NOBLESSE goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OCEANITO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OECO safrangelb S5411 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA PLUS perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ONYX tiefschwarz S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S644 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPTICLEAN 5000 stahlblau-met. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PACIFIC POWER capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 2000 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 electricblue S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 01/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 könnigsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO el.blue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 12/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met. S514 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 11/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO tiefschwarz S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 03/2009 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 07/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT PLUS capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT XL mandelbraun S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 04/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 el.bluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 electricbluem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 08/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 sprintblau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 500 indigoblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 6000 sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 03/2006 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S834 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET POWER tiefschwarz S761 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUETT & CO PLUS royal blue S624 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 07/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PASTELITO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 05/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 09/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgul S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 melonengelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 polar ice S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER CLEAN HEPA tiefschwarz S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER PLUS 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM brombeerrot S762 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM mangorot S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA eisgrünmetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite QUARTZ lotosweiß S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RAFFINESSE bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 04/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON rosso indiano S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 12/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED PEARL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED VELVET rubinrot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RELAX nachtblaumet. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSITO rouge indien S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSSO chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBIN brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBY burgundy red metallic S738 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 360 S360 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 370 S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 371 S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 372 S372 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 373 S373 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 374 S374 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 376 S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 378 S378 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 380 S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 381 S381 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 382 S382 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 384 S384 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 386 S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 388 S388 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 05/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 500 S500 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 501 S501 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 510 S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511 S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511-1 S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512 S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512-1 S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 513 S513 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514 S514 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514-1 S514-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 515-1 S515-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516 S516 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516-1 S516-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 517-1 S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518 S518 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5211 CH YOUNGSTYLE S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 524 S524 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 526 S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 528 S528 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 534 S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 536 S536 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 538 S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 544 S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 S548 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 PLUS brillantweiß S548 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5481 CH MEDICAIR PLUS S5481 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 570 S570 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 571 S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 572 S572 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 578 S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 07/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 624 S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 XXL S626 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 S628 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 XXL S628 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 634 S634 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 636 S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 638 S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 644 S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 646 S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 648 S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 SONATA sprintblau S774 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710 S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710-1 S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711 S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711-1 S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712 S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712-1 S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714 S714 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714-1 S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715 S715 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715-1 S715-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 03/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716 S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716-1 S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 717 S717 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718 S718 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718-1 S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 744 S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 INDIGO XTRAPOWER S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 748 S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 749 S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 760 S760 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 761 S761 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 03/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 POWERCLEAN 700 stahblmet S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 10/2013 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 764 S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 S766 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 CAT & DOG mangorot S766 Vacuum cleaners 04/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 768 S768 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 11/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 S770 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 BLACK obsidianschwarz S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 WHITE lotosweiß S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 EXCLUSIVE sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PREMIUM sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO BLACK ED.obsischw S771 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 772 S772 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 774 S774 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 776 CAT&DOG mangorot S774 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 778 S778 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 826 S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 828 S828 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 834 S834 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 836 S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 838 S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 844 S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 846 S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 848 S848 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 849 S849 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 AirClean mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR lavagrau S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 DIMENSION lavagrau S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EcoComfort königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 Ecoline chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2010 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EXCLUSIVE mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 HOMECARE lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 MOMENTUM königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SUPERCLEAN lotosweiß S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2110 S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2111 S2111 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 Plus lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 11/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2121 S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2130 S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2131 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2180 S2180 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2181 S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 CONTOUR lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECO PREMIUM-ED.lotosw S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE marineblau S4260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE PLUS brombeerrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 FASCINATION stahlblmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 10/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 10/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 LIMITED EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 SPECIAL EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TURBO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 XTRACARE tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 YOUNGSTYLE S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210 S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 05/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211 S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH FREESTYLE indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS CORAIL chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS PARKETT brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS TOPAZ türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH OPERA purpurschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH SILVERBIRD stahlblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 PARQUET mangorot S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 S4221 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 EXCLUSIVE EDITION tiefsw S4221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 11/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222-CH JAZZ purpurschwarz st S4222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4260 S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4261 S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4262 S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4280 S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4281 S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 EXCLUSIVE EDIT.königsbl. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 H.E.P.A. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4283 H.E.P.A. MANGOROT S4282 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4812 HYBRID S4812 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 08/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CAT & DOG TURBO brombeerrot S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 COMFORT XL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 DUOFLEX tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOAVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE 5000 melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 11/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. javagrün S5281 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE YOUNG VISION koior. S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 OECO PLUS safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PARKETT CARE mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 Parkett XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM lavagrau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 TWISTER lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH AVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH CELEBRATION königsbl S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 EXKLUSIV-EDITION brombr. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5310 S5310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361 S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH BIG CAT&DOG lunasilb. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS capribl. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS lavagrau S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5380 S5380 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5410 S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 CH ECO COMFORT S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5421 S5421 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5480 S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 PREMIUM EDITION tiefschw S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 AMARILLO kanariengelb S6210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CAT&DOG chilirot S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTINUUM pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTOUR chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ECOFOX chilirot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 HUMMING BIRD lotosweiß S6340 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 LOTUSWHITE lotosweiß S6360 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 MOMENTUM mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PUREAIR S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ULTIMATE PARQUET mangorot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 S6210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 PREMIUM-EDITION obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220 S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6230 S6230 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 S6240 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 ECOLINE lavagrau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6250 S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6260 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270-CH ECOLINE chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6290 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6310 S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6320 S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6330 S6330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6340 S6340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6350 S6350 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6360 S6360 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6390 S6390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ALLERGY COMFORT lotosweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BLACK DIAMOND obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 02/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8330 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG koiorange S8380 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CONTOUR kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DEEP CLEAN koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DIMENSION tizianrot met. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DUOFLEX sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE S8340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE PARQUET S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HOMECARE mangorot S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IN
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 OPTICLEAN lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQ SPEC.BRILL.LIGHT bromb S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECI.ECOLINE bromb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECIAL brombeerrot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PUREAIR S8330 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SELECT PARQUET XL bronze pf S8330 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SILENCE PLUS ECO.ALL S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE PLUS tiefseeblm S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 XXL kanariengelb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8000 ECOLINE lotosweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 PLUS sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 TURBO lotosweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310-CH HOMECARE elfenbweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8320 S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HARDFLTW.BRILL.LIGHT S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT HEPA obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischwarz S8340 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE SOLUTION S8340 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE sprintblau S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 ECOLINE PREM E. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOAVANTAGE S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOLINE kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH SKY sprintblau S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8380 S8380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PLUS S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PREM E. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA diamantgrau S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 SILENCE SOLUTION S8390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510 S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH ELITE PARQUET S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH PARQUET tizianrotmet. S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520 S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH BIG CAT&DOG S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA diamantgrau S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA obsischw S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA tiefseeblau met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530-CH MEDICAIR PLUS S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590 S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590-CH UNIQ mahagoniebr.met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SAPHIR königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 02/2010 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD0 SBAD0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD1 SBAD1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 10/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD3 SBAD3 Vacuum cleaners 02/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF3 SBAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF5 SBAF5 Vacuum cleaners 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG0 SBAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG1 SBAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAJ0 SBAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAN0 SBAN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAP3 SBAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBBN0 SBBN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 03/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD0 SBCD0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD3 SBCD3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCF3 SBCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCN0 SBCN0 Vacuum cleaners 11/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB0 SCAB0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB3 SCAB3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAC0 SCAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE0 SCAE0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE1 SCAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 02/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAF3 SCAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG0 SCAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG1 SCAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG2 SCAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAJ0 SCAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAP3 SCAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBC0 SCBC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBE1 SCBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBF3 SCBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCF3 SCCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG0 SCCG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG1 SCCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG1 SCRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG2 SCRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRP3 SCRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB0 SDAB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB1 SDAB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB3 SDAB3 Vacuum cleaners 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB4 SDAB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC0 SDAC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC1 SDAC1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE1 SDAE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE4 SDAE4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF3 SDAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF4 SDAF4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG0 SDAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG1 SDAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAJ0 SDAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAN0 SDAN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAO0 SDAO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP3 SDAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP4 SDAP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB0 SDBB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB3 SDBB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB4 SDBB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE0 SDBE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE1 SDBE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE4 SDBE4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF3 SDBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF4 SDBF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO0 SDBO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO3 SDBO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO4 SDBO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB0 SDCB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB1 SDCB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB3 SDCB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB4 SDCB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE1 SDCE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE4 SDCE4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF3 SDCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF4 SDCF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG0 SDCG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG1 SDCG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCJ0 SDCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCN0 SDCN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO0 SDCO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO3 SDCO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO4 SDCO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP3 SDCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP4 SDCP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRB4 SDRB4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRE1 SDRE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF3 SDRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF4 SDRF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG1 SDRG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG3 SDRG3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG4 SDRG4 Vacuum cleaners 06/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK3 SDRK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK4 SDRK4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP3 SDRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP4 SDRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG brombrt. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CLEAN PARQUET S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT PARQUET mangorot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 CL eisgrünmetalic S548 Vacuum cleaners 12/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 SL irischgrünmeta S544 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PARQUET nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 12/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIENA sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetallic S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetrallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC silber S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER POWER lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER SHADOW champagnermetall S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SINNA karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIRIUS electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 05/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCE0 BOOST CX1 SNCE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCF0 BOOST CX1 SNCF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCO0 BOOST CX1 SNCO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRE0 BOOST CX1 SNRE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRF0 BOOST CX1 SNRF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRO0 BOOST CX1 SNRO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT GREEN 700 opalgrün S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT RED 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER 700 silber S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS melonengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION H.E.P.A. mangorot S388 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5000 marineblau S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 03/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S524 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA königsblau S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA mangorot S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA sprintblau S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SPECIAL chilirot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite STARLIGHT goldbronzemetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SURPRISE stahlblau met. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO BLACK EDITION tiefschw S381 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO burgunderrotmetallic S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS Karmínovì èervená S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 02/2013 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 12/2009 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 02/2013 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 02/2013 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2007 12/2008 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 01/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN 2 liliengrün pf S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500-1 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION S518 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TIMBER PARQUET tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 03/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS bahamablau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS Polární modø, modrá S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAZ mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 03/2010 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 2000 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 silver passion S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 tizianrotmet. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE eisgrünmetallic S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 10/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2006 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO 700 lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2300 achatgraumet S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2500 metal.blau S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 mangorot S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 10/2007 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 300 königsblau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 700 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM palmengrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VANILLA POWER melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA-1 sonnengelb S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CAT&DOG tiefschwarz S5361 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE PEARL XXL lotosweiss S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2003 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met.. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 indigoblau S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 05/2006 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL CARE HEPA tiefschwarz S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YELLOW 500 melonengelb S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 03/2010 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
S2110 S2 Ecoline
S2110 S2110
S2111 S2111
S2120 S2 EcoComfort
S2120 S2120
S2120 S2120 Plus
S2121 S2121
S2130 S2130
S2131 S2131
S2180 S2180
S2181 S2181
S360 S 360
S370 S 370
S371 S 371
S372 S 372
S373 S 373
S374 S 374
S378 S 378
S380 POWER 1800
S380 S 380
S381 PARKETT & CO 1800
S381 S 381
S382 S 382
S384 S 384
S386 CAT & DOG
S386 S 386
S388 S 388
S4210 S4210
S4211 DUOFLEX 2000
S4211 GOAL
S4211 HARD FLOOR 4000
S4211 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4211 PARKETT&CO 4000
S4211 S4211
S4212 BLUE CLEAN 1900
S4212 DUOFLEX 4000
S4212 MANGO 1900
S4212 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4212 S4212
S4212 S4212 PLUS
S4212 S4212 XS CORAIL
S4212 S4212 XS PARKETT
S4212 S4212 XS TOPAZ
S4221 S4221
S4222 S4222
S4260 S4260
S4261 S4261
S4262 S4262
S4280 BABY CARE 4000
S4280 S4280
S4281 BABY CARE 4000
S4281 S4281
S4282 BABY CARE 4000
S4282 S4282 H.E.P.A.
S4812 S4812 HYBRID
S500 S 500
S501 S 501
S510 S 510
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 S 511
S512 GOLD 2000
S512 PARKETT & CO 500
S512 S 512
S513 S 513
S514 S 514
S516 CAT & DOG
S516 S 516
S518 PARQUET 500
S518 S 518
S5210 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5210 GALA
S5210 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5210 S5210
S5211 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5211 GOAL
S5211 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5211 S5211
S5220 S5220
S5221 S5221
S524 S 524
S526 S 526
S5260 S5260
S5261 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5261 S5261
S528 S 528
S5280 BABY CARE 5000
S5280 S5280
S5281 BABY CARE 5000
S5281 OPTICLEAN 5000
S5281 PARKETT & CO 5000 modeliams.
S5281 S5281
S5281 S5281 H.E.P.A.
S5310 S5310
S534 S 534
S536 S 536
S5361 CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS
S5361 S5361
S538 S 538
S5410 S5410
S5411 OECO
S5411 S5411
S5421 S5421
S544 S 544
S544 SENATOR 1600 SL
S548 S 548
S548 S 548 PLUS
S548 SENATOR 1600 CL
S5480 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5480 S5480
S5481 AUTO ECO 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 50000
S5481 S5481
S560 S 560
S570 S 570
S571 S 571
S572 S 572
S578 S 578
S612 S 612
S6210 PARQUET 6000
S6210 S6
S6210 S6210
S6220 CAT & DOG 6000
S6220 CAT&DOG 6000
S6220 S6220
S6230 S6230
S624 BRILLANT 6600
S624 S 624
S6240 PARKETT&CO 6000
S6240 PARKETT&CO.6000
S6240 S6240
S6240 S6240 ECOLINE
S6250 S6 CAT&DOG
S6250 S6250
S626 BRILLANT 6600
S626 S 626
S626 S 626 XXL
S6260 S6260
S6260 S6290
S6270 S6270
S6270 S6370
S628 S 628
S628 S 628 XXL
S6310 S6310
S6320 CAT&DOG 6000
S6320 S6320
S6330 S6330
S634 S 634
S6340 S6340
S6350 S6350
S636 S 636
S6360 S6360
S638 S 638
S6390 S6390
S644 S 644
S646 S 646
S648 S 648
S710 S 710
S711 BRILLANT 7600
S711 CARAMEL 700
S711 FLAMENCO 2000
S711 PARKETT 700
S711 S 711
S711 SOFT BLUE 700
S711 YELLOW 500
S712 BLUE MAGIC 2000
S712 PARKETT & CO 700
S712 PARQUET 700
S712 S 712
S714 S 714
S715 S 715
S716 CAT & DOG 2000
S716 CAT & DOG 700
S716 CAT & DOG MAX 2000
S716 S 716
S716 TURBO TEAM 2000
S717 S 717
S718 S 718
S724 S 724
S726 CAT & DOG 700
S726 CAT&DOG 700
S726 S 726
S726 S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS
S728 S 728
S734 S 734
S736 S 736
S738 S 738
S744 S 744
S745 S 745
S745 XTRA POWER 2100
S748 S 748
S749 S 749
S749 SOFT RED 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2100
S749 XTRA POWER 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2500
S760 S 760
S761 S 761
S762 PARKETT 700
S762 S 762
S762 TURBO 700
S764 S 764
S766 S 766
S766 S 766 CAT & DOG
S768 S 768
S770 S 770
S771 S 771
S771 S 771 TANGO
S772 S 772
S774 S 700 SONATA
S774 S 774
S774 S 776 CAT&DOG
S778 S 778
S812 S 812
S812 S 812 XXL
S812 XXL 2000
S826 BRILLANT 8600
S826 PARKETT & CO 800
S826 S 826
S828 S 828
S8310 S8
S8310 S8 XXL
S8310 S8310
S8310 S8310 PLUS
S8310 S8310 POWER PLUS
S8310 S8310 XXL
S8320 S8 CAT&DOG
S8320 S8 HAUS&CO
S8320 S8320
S8330 S8
S8330 S8330
S8330 S8330 HEPA
S834 S 834
S8340 S8000 ECOLINE
S8340 S8340
S8340 S8340 ECOLINE
S836 CAT & DOG 800
S836 S 836
S8360 S8360
S8360 S8360 ECOLINE
S8360 S8360 HEPA
S8370 S8370
S838 S 838
S8380 S8 CAT&DOG
S8380 S8380
S844 S 844
S846 S 846
S848 S 848
S849 S 849
S 511
S 512
S 514
S 515
S 516
S 517
S 518
S 710
S 711
S 712
S 714
S 715
S 716
S 718
8.95 € |
8.95 €
5269091, 05269091, 9442601, 09442601 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva VCMI-044
Tinka modeliams:
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 30 AR I SVERIGE koppar S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA bourgogneroodmetal S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA donkerblauw-met S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA eisgrünmetallic S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 2000 königsbl S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 500 brill.weiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 600 brill.weiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 800 brill.weiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS S638 Vacuum cleaners 08/1999 07/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 03/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS indigobl. S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl. S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY H.E.P.A. polar ice S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 11/2007 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA PLUS brillantweiß S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC HEPA PLUS mangorot S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 07/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR brill.weiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMARANTH burgunderrotmetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 05/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBITION stahlblmet S772 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANIVERSARIO melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite APOLLO indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARGENTO goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL polar ice S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 10/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO polar ice S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 04/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA brombeerrot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 02/2012 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA mangorot S4280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATLANTIS königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTO ECO 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 melonengelb S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 lichtblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5280 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG silber S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 09/2004 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC 700 noir profond S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 10/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK obsischwarz S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 2000 diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 obsidianschw S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF5 SKRF5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE CLEAN 1900 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE LAGOON electric blue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2008 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MAGIC 2000 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 09/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE STAR royal blue S524 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S624 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CALIMA kanariengelb S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPELLA königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 02/2013 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARAMEL 700 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARCARE tiefschwarz S6210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARE SYSTEM mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARINA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 indischrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 karminrot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 brombeerrot S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 10/2012 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 12/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 rouge carmin S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 silber S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG königsblau S516 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2009 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. tizianrotmet. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S516 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 01/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 08/2005 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS königsblau S526 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S516 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2006 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG tiefschwarz S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 2000 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 02/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 02/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 05/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT AND DOG PLUS S526 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 chilirot S6320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 liliengruen PF S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG EXTRA 700 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG PREMIUM 5000 bromb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO PLUS brombrt S5361 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CELEBRATION champagnermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 11/2003 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHILI POWER chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLASSIC goldbronzemetallic S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL silver passion S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN PARKETT mangorot S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 königsblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 tiefschwarz S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S511 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S528 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 05/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMFORT tizianrotmetallic S5481 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET mandelbraun S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET pistaziengrün S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAB0 SEAB0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAC0 SEAC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAE1 SEAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAG0 SEAG0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 08/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ0 SEAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ1 SEAJ1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEBC0 SEBC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA0 SGDA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA1 SGDA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA3 SGDA3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC0 SGDC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC1 SGDC1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE0 SGDE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE1 SGDE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE3 SGDE3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF3 SGDF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF4 SGDF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF5 SGDF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG0 SGDG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG1 SGDG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDH0 SGDH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDN0 SGDN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDP3 SGDP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA0 SGEA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA1 SGEA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA3 SGEA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE0 SGEE0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE1 SGEE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF3 SGEF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF4 SGEF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF5 SGEF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEH0 SGEH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEN0 SGEN0 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA0 SGFA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA1 SGFA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA3 SGFA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFC0 SGFC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE0 SGFE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE1 SGFE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF3 SGFF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF4 SGFF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF5 SGFF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG0 SGFG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG1 SGFG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH0 SGFH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH1 SGFH1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH2 SGFH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK0 SGFK0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK1 SGFK1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK2 SGFK2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFP3 SGFP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA0 SGJA0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA1 SGJA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE0 SGJE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE1 SGJE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE3 SGJE3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJP3 SGJP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA1 SGSA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA3 SGSA3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSC1 SGSC1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSE1 SGSE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF3 SGSF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF4 SGSF4 Vacuum cleaners 05/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF5 SGSF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 BOOST SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG2 SGSG2 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG3 SGSG3 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH1 SGSH1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH2 SGSH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH4 SGSH4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK3 SGSK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK5 SGSK5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP3 SGSP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP4 SGSP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP5 SGSP5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGTP3 SGTP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DEEP CLEAN koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI & CO indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 01/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DYNAMIC PARKETT & H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 05/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 50000 capriblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2200 chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 02/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2210 lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 09/2014 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2300 lavagrau S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 05/2013 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3600 sonnengelb S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2012 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3900 lichtblau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 mintgrün S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 sonnengelb S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 lichtblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2013 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 01/2013 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 karminrot S612 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 königsblau S612 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6200 brombeerrot S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 09/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 700 karminrot S710 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 karminot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 lichtblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 04/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 07/2008 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 melonengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7700 sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 09/2014 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8300 sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC S7000 lichtblau S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 03/2009 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC SOFT TOUCH S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC TURBO lunasilber S5361 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 03/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCEL HUMAN nachtblaumet. S648 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 01/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE eisgrünmetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT N sienarot S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLAMENCO 2000 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLEXI VAC brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLOORCARE mangorot S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME LAGOON capriblau S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GALA marineblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD 2000 sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD EDITION 80 YEARS S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 02/2008 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2003 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 11/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD HORIZON goldbronzemet. S528 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD LIMITED EDITION sonneng. S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2006 12/2006 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD METALLIC POWER S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITO black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC 2000 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC irischgrünmetallic S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREENSTAR 1900 javagrün S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR 4000 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR permuttsilbermet. S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 mangorot S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2004 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HEALTHY CLEAN lotosweiß S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HOMECARE sprintblau S6290 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER I indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER II indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 09/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JANUS capriblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JASPER pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JUBILEE silver passion S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite KONA obsidianschwarz S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION champagnermet S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite M.A.X. mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC BLUE 700 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC MINT 700 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER schwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 PLUS brillantweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 lichtblau S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS polar ice S828 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 06/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S848 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC polar ice S518 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 11/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MERCURY achatgraumetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR A burgunderrotmetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR M sienarot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MIXTURA bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOMENTUM PLUS sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA D tropcgrün S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA N tropicgrün S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOONLIGHT perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S2 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S4 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NOBLESSE goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OCEANITO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OECO safrangelb S5411 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA PLUS perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ONYX tiefschwarz S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S644 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPTICLEAN 5000 stahlblau-met. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PACIFIC POWER capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 2000 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 electricblue S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 01/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 könnigsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO el.blue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 12/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met. S514 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 11/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO tiefschwarz S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 03/2009 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 07/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT PLUS capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT XL mandelbraun S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 04/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 el.bluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 electricbluem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 08/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 sprintblau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 500 indigoblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 6000 sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 03/2006 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S834 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET POWER tiefschwarz S761 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUETT & CO PLUS royal blue S624 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 07/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PASTELITO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 05/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 09/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgul S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 melonengelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 polar ice S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER CLEAN HEPA tiefschwarz S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER PLUS 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM brombeerrot S762 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM mangorot S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA eisgrünmetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite QUARTZ lotosweiß S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RAFFINESSE bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 04/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON rosso indiano S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 12/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED PEARL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED VELVET rubinrot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RELAX nachtblaumet. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSITO rouge indien S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ROSSO chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBIN brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RUBY burgundy red metallic S738 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 360 S360 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 370 S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 371 S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 372 S372 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 373 S373 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 374 S374 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 376 S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 378 S378 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 380 S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 381 S381 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 382 S382 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 384 S384 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 386 S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 388 S388 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 05/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 500 S500 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 501 S501 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 510 S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511 S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 511-1 S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512 S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 512-1 S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 513 S513 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514 S514 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 514-1 S514-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 515-1 S515-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516 S516 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 516-1 S516-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 517-1 S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518 S518 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 518-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5211 CH YOUNGSTYLE S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 524 S524 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 526 S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 528 S528 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 534 S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 536 S536 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 538 S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 544 S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 S548 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 548 PLUS brillantweiß S548 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 5481 CH MEDICAIR PLUS S5481 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 560 S560 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 570 S570 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 571 S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 572 S572 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 578 S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 07/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 612 S612 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 624 S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2003 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 626 XXL S626 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 S628 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 628 XXL S628 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 634 S634 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 636 S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 638 S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 644 S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 646 S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 648 S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 SONATA sprintblau S774 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 700 TURBOSTAR sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710 S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 710-1 S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711 S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 711-1 S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712 S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 712-1 S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714 S714 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 714-1 S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715 S715 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 715-1 S715-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 03/2010 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716 S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 716-1 S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 717 S717 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718 S718 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 718-1 S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 10/2009 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 724 S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 728 S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 734 S734 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 736 S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 738 S738 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 744 S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 745 INDIGO XTRAPOWER S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 748 S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 749 S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 760 S760 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 761 S761 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 03/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 762 POWERCLEAN 700 stahblmet S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 10/2013 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 764 S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 S766 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 766 CAT & DOG mangorot S766 Vacuum cleaners 04/2012 01/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 768 S768 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 11/2013 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 S770 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 BLACK obsidianschwarz S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 770 WHITE lotosweiß S770 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 EXCLUSIVE sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 PREMIUM sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO BLACK ED.obsischw S771 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 771 TANGO PLUS sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 772 S772 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 774 S774 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 776 CAT&DOG mangorot S774 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 778 S778 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 812 XXL achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 826 S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 828 S828 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 834 S834 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 836 S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 838 S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 844 S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 846 S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 848 S848 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S 849 S849 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 AirClean mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR lavagrau S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 CONTOUR mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 DIMENSION lavagrau S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EcoComfort königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 Ecoline chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 12/2010 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 ECOLINE lotosweiß S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 EXCLUSIVE mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 HOMECARE lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 MOMENTUM königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SPECIAL mangorot S2131 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 040 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2 SUPERCLEAN lotosweiß S2111 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 01/2015 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2110 S2110 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2111 S2111 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2120 Plus lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 11/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2121 S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2130 S2130 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2131 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2180 S2180 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S2181 S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 CONTOUR lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECO PREMIUM-ED.lotosw S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE 4000 tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE capriblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE HEPA tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 05/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE javagrün S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE marineblau S4260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 ECOLINE PLUS brombeerrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 05/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 FASCINATION stahlblmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 10/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 10/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 GOLD EDITION goldbronzemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 LIMITED EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 SPECIAL EDITION stahlblaum. S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TEAM SPIRIT chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 TURBO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 XTRACARE tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4 YOUNGSTYLE S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210 S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 05/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4210-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211 S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH FREESTYLE indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4211-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 PLUS königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS CORAIL chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS PARKETT brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212 XS TOPAZ türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH OPERA purpurschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH PARQUET melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4212-CH SILVERBIRD stahlblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4213 PARQUET mangorot S4213 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 S4221 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4221 EXCLUSIVE EDITION tiefsw S4221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 11/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222 EXKLUSIV-EDITION bromb. S4222 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 12/2011 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4222-CH JAZZ purpurschwarz st S4222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4260 S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4261 S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4262 S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 10/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4280 S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2009 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4281 S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 EXCLUSIVE EDIT.königsbl. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4282 H.E.P.A. S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4283 H.E.P.A. MANGOROT S4282 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S4812 HYBRID S4812 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 08/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ALLROAD sprintblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 BEST FRIEND mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CARCARE tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 CAT & DOG TURBO brombeerrot S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 COMFORT XL brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 DUOFLEX tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO COMFORT black magic S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECO TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOAVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOL.PREM.EDITION mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE 5000 melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 11/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE GREEN javagrün S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. javagrün S5281 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE H.E.P.A. lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE RED S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 07/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE XXL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 ECOLINE YOUNG VISION koior. S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE EDIT. lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 EXCLUSIVE lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 GALA GRANDE XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 HOME CARE lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 OECO PLUS safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PARKETT CARE mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 Parkett XL mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 POWER HEPA S5282 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIO königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM lavagrau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2010 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 PREMIUM tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 TURBO melonengelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL LAGOON capriblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5 VITAL SUN safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5210 S5210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangrt S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211 TWISTER lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH AVANTAGE brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH CELEBRATION königsbl S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5211-CH YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5212 S5212 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 10/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5220 S5220 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5221 S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5222 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5260 S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5261 EXKLUSIV-EDITION brombr. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5280 S5280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 11/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5281 H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5282 S5282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2014 11/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5310 S5310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361 S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH BIG CAT&DOG lunasilb. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS capribl. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5361-CH CAT&DOG PLUS lavagrau S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5380 S5380 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5410 S5410 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5411 CH ECO COMFORT S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5421 S5421 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5480 S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S5481 PREMIUM EDITION tiefschw S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 AMARILLO kanariengelb S6210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 BRILLIANT LIGHT obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CAT&DOG chilirot S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTINUUM pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 CONTOUR chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ECOFOX chilirot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 04/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 HUMMING BIRD lotosweiß S6340 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 LOTUSWHITE lotosweiß S6360 Vacuum cleaners 12/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 MOMENTUM mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PARQUET TWISTER obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 PUREAIR S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6 ULTIMATE PARQUET mangorot S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 S6210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6210 PREMIUM-EDITION obsischw S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220 S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6220-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S6220 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6230 S6230 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 S6240 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6240 ECOLINE lavagrau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6250 S6250 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6260 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6270-CH ECOLINE chilirot S6270 Vacuum cleaners 11/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6290 S6260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6310 S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6320 S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6330 S6330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6340 S6340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6350 S6350 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6360 S6360 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6370 S6270 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S6390 S6390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ALLERGY COMFORT lotosweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BLACK DIAMOND obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 02/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8310 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 BRILLIANT LIGHT XL mangort. S8330 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG elfenbeinweiß S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG koiorange S8380 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8320 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG mangorot S8380 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CAT&DOG tizianrtmet. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 CONTOUR kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DEEP CLEAN koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DIMENSION tizianrot met. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 DUOFLEX sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE S8340 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 ECOLINE PARQUET S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 EUROSTAR obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HAUS&CO kanariengelb S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 HOMECARE mangorot S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IN
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 MEDICAIR lotosweiß S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 OPTICLEAN lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARKETT&CO sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQ SPEC.BRILL.LIGHT bromb S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECI.ECOLINE bromb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET SPECIAL brombeerrot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PARQUET&CO S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 PUREAIR S8330 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SELECT PARQUET XL bronze pf S8330 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 SILENCE PLUS ECO.ALL S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTAL CARE PLUS tiefseeblm S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE S8330 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE diamantgrau S8320 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 TOTALCARE koiorange S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 UNIQ mahagoniebraun met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8 XXL kanariengelb S8310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8000 ECOLINE lotosweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 PLUS sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 POWER PLUS obsischw S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 TURBO lotosweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310 XXL diamantgrau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8310-CH HOMECARE elfenbweiß S8310 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8320 S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HARDFLTW.BRILL.LIGHT S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA koiorange S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 HEPA lotosweiß S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT HEPA obsischw S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 PARKETT XXL HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8330 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischw S8340 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE obsischwarz S8340 Vacuum cleaners 03/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE SOLUTION S8340 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 ECOLINE sprintblau S8340 Vacuum cleaners 10/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8340 SOLUTION HEPA S8330 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 ECOLINE elfenbeinweiß S8360 Vacuum cleaners 07/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8360 HEPA S8360 Vacuum cleaners 11/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370 ECOLINE PREM E. S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOAVANTAGE S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH ECOLINE kanariengelb S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8370-CH SKY sprintblau S8370 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8380 S8380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE obsidianschw. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PLUS S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 ECOSILENCE PREM E. S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA S8390 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 HEPA diamantgrau S8390 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8390 SILENCE SOLUTION S8390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510 S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH ELITE PARQUET S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8510-CH PARQUET tizianrotmet. S8510 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520 S8520 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH BIG CAT&DOG S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG CARPET S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8520-CH CAT&DOG HARDFLOOR S8520 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA diamantgrau S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA elfenbeinweiß S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose MY
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA obsischw S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530 HEPA tiefseeblau met. S8530 Vacuum cleaners 09/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8530-CH MEDICAIR PLUS S8530 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590 S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite S8590-CH UNIQ mahagoniebr.met. S8590 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SALSA kupfergold S512 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SAPHIR königsblau S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 02/2010 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD0 SBAD0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD1 SBAD1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 10/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAD3 SBAD3 Vacuum cleaners 02/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF3 SBAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAF5 SBAF5 Vacuum cleaners 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG0 SBAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAG1 SBAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAJ0 SBAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAN0 SBAN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBAP3 SBAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBBN0 SBBN0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 03/2018 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD0 SBCD0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCD3 SBCD3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCF3 SBCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SBCN0 SBCN0 Vacuum cleaners 11/2014 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB0 SCAB0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAB3 SCAB3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAC0 SCAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE0 SCAE0 Vacuum cleaners 10/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAE1 SCAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 02/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAF3 SCAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG0 SCAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG1 SCAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAG2 SCAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAJ0 SCAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCAP3 SCAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBC0 SCBC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBE1 SCBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCBF3 SCBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCF3 SCCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG0 SCCG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCCG1 SCCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG1 SCRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRG2 SCRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SCRP3 SCRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB0 SDAB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB1 SDAB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB3 SDAB3 Vacuum cleaners 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAB4 SDAB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC0 SDAC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAC1 SDAC1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE0 SDAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE1 SDAE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAE4 SDAE4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF3 SDAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAF4 SDAF4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG0 SDAG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAG1 SDAG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAJ0 SDAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAN0 SDAN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAO0 SDAO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP3 SDAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDAP4 SDAP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB0 SDBB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB3 SDBB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBB4 SDBB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE0 SDBE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE1 SDBE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBE4 SDBE4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF3 SDBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBF4 SDBF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO0 SDBO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO3 SDBO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDBO4 SDBO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB0 SDCB0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB1 SDCB1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB3 SDCB3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCB4 SDCB4 Vacuum cleaners 03/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE0 SDCE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE1 SDCE1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCE4 SDCE4 Vacuum cleaners 01/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF3 SDCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCF4 SDCF4 Vacuum cleaners 10/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG0 SDCG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCG1 SDCG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCJ0 SDCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCN0 SDCN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO0 SDCO0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO3 SDCO3 Vacuum cleaners 04/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCO4 SDCO4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP3 SDCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDCP4 SDCP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRB4 SDRB4 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRE1 SDRE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF3 SDRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRF4 SDRF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG1 SDRG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG3 SDRG3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRG4 SDRG4 Vacuum cleaners 06/2019 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK3 SDRK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRK4 SDRK4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP3 SDRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SDRP4 SDRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG S8320 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CAT&DOG brombrt. S8320 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT CLEAN PARQUET S8330 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SELECT PARQUET mangorot S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 CL eisgrünmetalic S548 Vacuum cleaners 12/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR 1600 SL irischgrünmeta S544 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PARQUET nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SENATOR PLUS nachtblaumet. S844 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 12/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SEVENTY FIVE silber S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIENA sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 06/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILENT&COMPACT 6000 lotosweiß S6390 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC champagnermet. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetallic S544 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC eisgrünmetrallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER MAGIC silber S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER POWER lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SILVER SHADOW champagnermetall S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SINNA karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 07/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SIRIUS electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 08/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 05/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SMARAGD PLUS irischgrünmet. S371 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCE0 BOOST CX1 SNCE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCF0 BOOST CX1 SNCF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNCO0 BOOST CX1 SNCO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRE0 BOOST CX1 SNRE0 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRF0 BOOST CX1 SNRF0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2021 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SNRO0 BOOST CX1 SNRO0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2022 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE 700 indigoblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT BLUE indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT GREEN 700 opalgrün S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT RED 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SATIN silber S846 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER 700 silber S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOFT SILVER silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS melonengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 06/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLARIS sonnengelb S514 Vacuum cleaners 10/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION H.E.P.A. mangorot S388 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5000 marineblau S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 03/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SOLUTION HEPA 5281 marineblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S524 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA karminrot S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA königsblau S764 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA mangorot S714-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SONATA sprintblau S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SPECIAL chilirot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite STARLIGHT goldbronzemetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SUMMERTIME electricblue-met. S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite SURPRISE stahlblau met. S762 Vacuum cleaners 04/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO BLACK EDITION tiefschw S381 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO burgunderrotmetallic S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS Karmínovì èervená S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 02/2013 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 02/2013 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 12/2009 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 02/2013 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TANGO PLUS mangorot S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 02/2013 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2007 12/2008 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TEALITE BLUE tealitblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 01/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN 2 liliengrün pf S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE MANHATTAN tiefschwarz S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 11/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION 500-1 mintgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION S518 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite THE SOLUTION HEPA EDITION-1 S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TIMBER PARQUET tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 03/2009 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN chilirot S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITAN mangorot S2181 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 06/2012 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TITANIUM achatgraumetallic S736 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS bahamablau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAS PLUS Polární modø, modrá S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOPAZ mandelbraun S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TORINO tiefschwarz S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 03/2010 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 2000 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 brombeerrot S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 silver passion S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE 5000 tizianrotmet. S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE eisgrünmetallic S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 10/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 07/2006 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TOTAL CARE königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO 700 lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2300 achatgraumet S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO POWER 2500 metal.blau S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 mangorot S716-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 10/2007 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 2000 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 300 königsblau S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM 700 sonnengelb S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM palmengrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO TEAM PLUS sonnengelb S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite TURBO tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VANILLA POWER melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA sonnengelb S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VENEZIA-1 sonnengelb S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CAT&DOG tiefschwarz S5361 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CLEAN lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY CONFORT lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite VITALITY POWER mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 02/2013 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S762 Vacuum cleaners 01/2010 02/2013 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE lotosweiß S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite WHITE PEARL XXL lotosweiss S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 11/2003 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 el.blue-met.. S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 indigoblau S745 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 mangorot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2100 XL silber S849 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 02/2006 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 10/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 07/2005 05/2006 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XTRA POWER 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL 2000 achatgraumetallic S812 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite XXL CARE HEPA tiefschwarz S5380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YELLOW 500 melonengelb S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 03/2010 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE koiorange S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 04/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite YOUNG STYLE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CH
S2110 S2 Ecoline
S2110 S2110
S2111 S2111
S2120 S2 EcoComfort
S2120 S2120
S2120 S2120 Plus
S2121 S2121
S2130 S2130
S2131 S2131
S2180 S2180
S2181 S2181
S360 S 360
S370 S 370
S371 S 371
S372 S 372
S373 S 373
S374 S 374
S378 S 378
S380 POWER 1800
S380 S 380
S381 PARKETT & CO 1800
S381 S 381
S382 S 382
S384 S 384
S386 CAT & DOG
S386 S 386
S388 S 388
S4210 S4210
S4211 DUOFLEX 2000
S4211 GOAL
S4211 HARD FLOOR 4000
S4211 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4211 PARKETT&CO 4000
S4211 S4211
S4212 BLUE CLEAN 1900
S4212 DUOFLEX 4000
S4212 MANGO 1900
S4212 PARKETT & CO 4000
S4212 S4212
S4212 S4212 PLUS
S4212 S4212 XS CORAIL
S4212 S4212 XS PARKETT
S4212 S4212 XS TOPAZ
S4221 S4221
S4222 S4222
S4260 S4260
S4261 S4261
S4262 S4262
S4280 BABY CARE 4000
S4280 S4280
S4281 BABY CARE 4000
S4281 S4281
S4282 BABY CARE 4000
S4282 S4282 H.E.P.A.
S4812 S4812 HYBRID
S500 S 500
S501 S 501
S510 S 510
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 BRILLANT 5600
S511 S 511
S512 GOLD 2000
S512 PARKETT & CO 500
S512 S 512
S513 S 513
S514 S 514
S516 CAT & DOG
S516 S 516
S518 PARQUET 500
S518 S 518
S5210 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5210 GALA
S5210 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5210 S5210
S5211 BLACK PEARL 5000
S5211 GOAL
S5211 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5211 S5211
S5220 S5220
S5221 S5221
S524 S 524
S526 S 526
S5260 S5260
S5261 PARKETT & CO 5000
S5261 S5261
S528 S 528
S5280 BABY CARE 5000
S5280 S5280
S5281 BABY CARE 5000
S5281 OPTICLEAN 5000
S5281 PARKETT & CO 5000 modeliams.
S5281 S5281
S5281 S5281 H.E.P.A.
S5310 S5310
S534 S 534
S536 S 536
S5361 CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS
S5361 S5361
S538 S 538
S5410 S5410
S5411 OECO
S5411 S5411
S5421 S5421
S544 S 544
S544 SENATOR 1600 SL
S548 S 548
S548 S 548 PLUS
S548 SENATOR 1600 CL
S5480 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5480 S5480
S5481 AUTO ECO 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 5000
S5481 ECO COMFORT 50000
S5481 S5481
S560 S 560
S570 S 570
S571 S 571
S572 S 572
S578 S 578
S612 S 612
S6210 PARQUET 6000
S6210 S6
S6210 S6210
S6220 CAT & DOG 6000
S6220 CAT&DOG 6000
S6220 S6220
S6230 S6230
S624 BRILLANT 6600
S624 S 624
S6240 PARKETT&CO 6000
S6240 PARKETT&CO.6000
S6240 S6240
S6240 S6240 ECOLINE
S6250 S6 CAT&DOG
S6250 S6250
S626 BRILLANT 6600
S626 S 626
S626 S 626 XXL
S6260 S6260
S6260 S6290
S6270 S6270
S6270 S6370
S628 S 628
S628 S 628 XXL
S6310 S6310
S6320 CAT&DOG 6000
S6320 S6320
S6330 S6330
S634 S 634
S6340 S6340
S6350 S6350
S636 S 636
S6360 S6360
S638 S 638
S6390 S6390
S644 S 644
S646 S 646
S648 S 648
S710 S 710
S711 BRILLANT 7600
S711 CARAMEL 700
S711 FLAMENCO 2000
S711 PARKETT 700
S711 S 711
S711 SOFT BLUE 700
S711 YELLOW 500
S712 BLUE MAGIC 2000
S712 PARKETT & CO 700
S712 PARQUET 700
S712 S 712
S714 S 714
S715 S 715
S716 CAT & DOG 2000
S716 CAT & DOG 700
S716 CAT & DOG MAX 2000
S716 S 716
S716 TURBO TEAM 2000
S717 S 717
S718 S 718
S724 S 724
S726 CAT & DOG 700
S726 CAT&DOG 700
S726 S 726
S726 S 726 CAT & DOG PLUS
S728 S 728
S734 S 734
S736 S 736
S738 S 738
S744 S 744
S745 S 745
S745 XTRA POWER 2100
S748 S 748
S749 S 749
S749 SOFT RED 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2100
S749 XTRA POWER 2300
S749 XTRA POWER 2500
S760 S 760
S761 S 761
S762 PARKETT 700
S762 S 762
S762 TURBO 700
S764 S 764
S766 S 766
S766 S 766 CAT & DOG
S768 S 768
S770 S 770
S771 S 771
S771 S 771 TANGO
S772 S 772
S774 S 700 SONATA
S774 S 774
S774 S 776 CAT&DOG
S778 S 778
S812 S 812
S812 S 812 XXL
S812 XXL 2000
S826 BRILLANT 8600
S826 PARKETT & CO 800
S826 S 826
S828 S 828
S8310 S8
S8310 S8 XXL
S8310 S8310
S8310 S8310 PLUS
S8310 S8310 POWER PLUS
S8310 S8310 XXL
S8320 S8 CAT&DOG
S8320 S8 HAUS&CO
S8320 S8320
S8330 S8
S8330 S8330
S8330 S8330 HEPA
S834 S 834
S8340 S8000 ECOLINE
S8340 S8340
S8340 S8340 ECOLINE
S836 CAT & DOG 800
S836 S 836
S8360 S8360
S8360 S8360 ECOLINE
S8360 S8360 HEPA
S8370 S8370
S838 S 838
S8380 S8 CAT&DOG
S8380 S8380
S844 S 844
S846 S 846
S848 S 848
S849 S 849
S 511
S 512
S 514
S 515
S 516
S 517
S 518
S 710
S 711
S 712
S 714
S 715
S 716
S 718
9.75 € |
9.75 €
5269091, 05269091, 9442601 |
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva (HQ)
Dulkių siurblio rankena MIELE, S500, S600, S700, S800, S2000, S4000, S5000, S6000, S8000, C1, C2, C3 serijos modeliams, alternatyva (HQ) VCMI-048
Tinka modeliams:
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 111TH ANNIVERSARY goldbronzmet S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite 30 AR I SVERIGE koppar S512 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 03/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA bourgogneroodmetal S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA donkerblauw-met S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ACTIVE HEPA eisgrünmetallic S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 2000 königsbl S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 500 brill.weiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 600 brill.weiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 700 brill.weiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL 800 brill.weiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS S638 Vacuum cleaners 08/1999 07/2002 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 03/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS brillweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS indigobl. S517-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY CONTROL PLUS lichtbl. S538 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY H.E.P.A. polar ice S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 11/2007 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 01/2010 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA 1800 polar ice S388 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA PLUS brillantweiß S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERGY HEPA polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC HEPA PLUS mangorot S578 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 07/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 2000 brillweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR 5000 polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 09/2014 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALLERVAC SENSOR brill.weiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM alu-silber S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 11/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ALUMINIUM LIMITED EDITION S512 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMARANTH burgunderrotmetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBIENTE PLUS blau/grün S534 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 05/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AMBITION stahlblmet S772 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANIVERSARIO melonengelb S5310 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ANTARES mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite APOLLO indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARGENTO goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL lotosweiß S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARIEL polar ice S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2001 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 10/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 12/2003 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ARTICO polar ice S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 04/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA brombeerrot S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 02/2012 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATHENA mangorot S4280 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ATLANTIS königsblau S2180 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTO ECO 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite AUTOMATIC TT 5000 tealitblaum. S5411 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose AE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 melonengelb S4281 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 4000 zartrosa S4282 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 lichtblau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5280 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE 5000 zartrosa S5281 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE melonengelb S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BABY CARE polar ice S4280 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2003 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG silber S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 07/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT & DOG tropicgrün S636 Vacuum cleaners 09/2000 09/2004 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BIG CAT&DOG sienarot S626 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 04/2002 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC 700 noir profond S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 10/2005 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 11/2005 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2005 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 03/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK MAGIC black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 02/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK obsischwarz S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 2000 diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 S5222 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 obsidianschw S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 03/2013 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL diepzwart S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK PEARL tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLACK tiefschwarz S762 Vacuum cleaners 03/2010 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRE2 SKRE2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF3 SKRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRF5 SKRF5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRG2 SKRG2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2016 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRP3 SKRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLIZZARD CX1 SKRR3 SKRR3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 075 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE CLEAN 1900 lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE LAGOON electric blue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2008 060 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MAGIC 2000 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumet. S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 09/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S646 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2001 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE MOON nachtblaumetallic S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BLUE STAR royal blue S524 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 04/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511 Vacuum cleaners 11/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 5600 königsblau S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S624 Vacuum cleaners 10/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 6600 sonnengelb S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 7600 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite BRILLANT 8600 mintgrün S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CALIMA kanariengelb S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPELLA königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 07/2007 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAPRI lavagrau S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 02/2013 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARAMEL 700 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARCARE tiefschwarz S6210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARE SYSTEM mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CARINA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 indischrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 2000 karminrot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 brombeerrot S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 königsblau S4262 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 4000 mangorot S4261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 capriblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 koiorange S5261 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 07/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2007 10/2012 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 5000 PLUS brombeer. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2015 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 11/2005 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 12/2005 050 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 07/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 12/2004 07/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 rouge carmin S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 700 silber S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG 800 karminrot S836 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG königsblau S516 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2009 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG M.A.X. tizianrotmet. S5361 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 06/2004 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG MAX 2000 königsblau S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S516 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 10/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS brick red S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2000 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 09/2000 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S511 Vacuum cleaners 01/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2001 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2002 10/2002 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 01/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 04/2000 12/2000 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 05/2000 12/2002 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 07/2000 01/2001 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 08/2005 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS karminrot S526 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS königsblau S526 Vacuum cleaners 10/2000 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S516 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 09/2006 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG PLUS mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG tiefschwarz S386 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 02/2013 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 2000 karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 02/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5260 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 02/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 05/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT & DOG TT karminrot S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT AND DOG PLUS S526 Vacuum cleaners 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 brombeerrot S6220 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 chilirot S6320 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 6000 liliengruen PF S6320 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG 700 karminrot S726 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG EXTRA 700 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG PREMIUM 5000 bromb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO S5261 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO 5000 mangorot S5261 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CAT&DOG TURBO PLUS brombrt S5361 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CELEBRATION champagnermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CENTENNIAL EDITION mangorot S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHAMPAGNE goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 11/2003 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CHILI POWER chilirot S2110 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLASSIC goldbronzemetallic S538 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 11/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL 5000 silver pas. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN CONTROL silver passion S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN PARKETT mangorot S4260 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 königsblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM 500 tiefschwarz S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S510 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S511 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CLEAN TEAM PLUS S528 Vacuum cleaners 03/2001 05/2002 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMFORT tizianrotmetallic S5481 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET mandelbraun S6230 Vacuum cleaners 02/2014 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPACT PARQUET pistaziengrün S6310 Vacuum cleaners 09/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAB0 SEAB0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAC0 SEAC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAE1 SEAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAG0 SEAG0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 08/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ0 SEAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 12/2015 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEAJ1 SEAJ1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2015 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C1 SEBC0 SEBC0 Vacuum cleaners 08/2014 03/2017 050 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA0 SFAA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 12/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAA3 SFAA3 Vacuum cleaners 01/2018 02/2020 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC0 SFAC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAC1 SFAC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE0 SFAE0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAE1 SFAE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAF3 SFAF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG0 SFAG0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG1 SFAG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAG2 SFAG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAJ0 SFAJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFAP3 SFAP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC0 SFBC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBC1 SFBC1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBE1 SFBE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFBF3 SFBF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCA0 SFCA0 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC0 SFCC0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 09/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCC1 SFCC1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCE1 SFCE1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCF3 SFCF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCG1 SFCG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCJ0 SFCJ0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 12/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFCP3 SFCP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRC1 SFRC1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRE1 SFRE1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2017 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF3 SFRF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRF4 SFRF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG1 SFRG1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRG2 SFRG2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP3 SFRP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C2 SFRP4 SFRP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA0 SGDA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA1 SGDA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDA3 SGDA3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC0 SGDC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 04/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDC1 SGDC1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE0 SGDE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE1 SGDE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDE3 SGDE3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF3 SGDF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF4 SGDF4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDF5 SGDF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG0 SGDG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDG1 SGDG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDH0 SGDH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDN0 SGDN0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGDP3 SGDP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA0 SGEA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA1 SGEA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEA3 SGEA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE0 SGEE0 Vacuum cleaners 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEE1 SGEE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF3 SGEF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF4 SGEF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEF5 SGEF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEH0 SGEH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGEN0 SGEN0 Vacuum cleaners 03/2014 04/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA0 SGFA0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA1 SGFA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFA3 SGFA3 Vacuum cleaners 03/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFC0 SGFC0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE0 SGFE0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFE1 SGFE1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF3 SGFF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF4 SGFF4 Vacuum cleaners 08/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFF5 SGFF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG0 SGFG0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 06/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFG1 SGFG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH0 SGFH0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH1 SGFH1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFH2 SGFH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK0 SGFK0 Vacuum cleaners 07/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK1 SGFK1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFK2 SGFK2 Vacuum cleaners 03/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGFP3 SGFP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA0 SGJA0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJA1 SGJA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE0 SGJE0 Vacuum cleaners 09/2014 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE1 SGJE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJE3 SGJE3 Vacuum cleaners 06/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGJP3 SGJP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA1 SGSA1 Vacuum cleaners 03/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSA3 SGSA3 Vacuum cleaners 07/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSC1 SGSC1 Vacuum cleaners 07/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSE1 SGSE1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF3 SGSF3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF4 SGSF4 Vacuum cleaners 05/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSF5 SGSF5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG1 BOOST SGSG1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2015 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG2 SGSG2 Vacuum cleaners 01/2016 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSG3 SGSG3 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH1 SGSH1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH2 SGSH2 Vacuum cleaners 09/2015 08/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSH4 SGSH4 Vacuum cleaners 11/2018 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK3 SGSK3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSK5 SGSK5 Vacuum cleaners 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP3 SGSP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP4 SGSP4 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGSP5 SGSP5 Vacuum cleaners 04/2022 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite COMPLETE C3 SGTP3 SGTP3 Vacuum cleaners 09/2017 060 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 040 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 12/2003 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite CRYSTAL perlmuttsilbermetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 01/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DEEP CLEAN koiorange S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2009 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DELPHI lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI & CO indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI indigoblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 10/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 09/2002 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DIVANI opalgrün S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 2000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 03/2008 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DUOFLEX 4000 türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 01/2011 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite DYNAMIC PARKETT & H.E.P.A. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 01/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EASY STRETCH tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 black magic S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 12/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 capriblau S5480 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 05/2008 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 5000 marineblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ECO COMFORT 50000 capriblau S5481 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1800 mangorot S380 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 12/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 1900 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2200 chilirot S2120 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 02/2011 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2210 lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 09/2014 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 2300 lavagrau S2131 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 05/2013 040 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3600 sonnengelb S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3700 lotosgrün S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 karminrot S370 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 04/2006 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 11/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3800 königsblau S381 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 09/2012 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 3900 lichtblau S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4300 lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 11/2005 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 03/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 lavagrau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4310 melonengelb S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 4320 tiefschwarz S4212 Vacuum cleaners 12/2008 07/2010 060 Suction hose LV
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 mintgrün S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5100 sonnengelb S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5200 lichtblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 12/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 01/2013 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5500 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2011 01/2013 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 5700 königsblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 karminrot S612 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2003 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6100 königsblau S612 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 02/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 6200 brombeerrot S6210 Vacuum cleaners 12/2012 09/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 700 karminrot S710 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 02/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 karminot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 lichtblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 04/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 mangorot S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 06/2008 07/2008 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 melonengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7100 sonnengelb S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 7700 sprintblau S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 09/2014 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8100 königsblau S812 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 04/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC 8300 sprintblau S8310 Vacuum cleaners 05/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC S7000 lichtblau S710-1 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 03/2009 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC SOFT TOUCH S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELECTRONIC TURBO lunasilber S5361 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2010 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC königsblau S712-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2007 03/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ELMATIC mangorot S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 02/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC 3300 brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EUROCLASSIC brillantweiß S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCEL HUMAN nachtblaumet. S648 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 01/2006 050 Suction hose JP
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE eisgrünmetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 02/2001 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXCLUSIVE karminrot S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2005 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION chilirot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXKLUSIV-EDITION lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 03/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT M tropicgrün S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 03/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXQUISIT N sienarot S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite EXTENDER safrangelb S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FILTRATION GUARD brillantweiß S528 Vacuum cleaners 08/2000 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FIT FOR HOLIDAY koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLAMENCO 2000 caramel S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLEXI VAC brombeerrot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FLOORCARE mangorot S376 Vacuum cleaners 10/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 03/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME CHERRY mangorot S5210 Vacuum cleaners 06/2007 12/2007 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME FRESH javagrün S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite FREE TIME LAGOON capriblau S5310 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GALA marineblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL chilirot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 07/2008 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOAL koiorange S5211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 09/2008 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD 2000 sonnengelb S512 Vacuum cleaners 03/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD EDITION 80 YEARS S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 02/2008 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S548 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2003 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 11/2002 09/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD goldbronzemetallic S748 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 09/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD HORIZON goldbronzemet. S528 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD LIMITED EDITION sonneng. S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2006 12/2006 050 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GOLD METALLIC POWER S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITE 2100 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GRAPHITO black magic S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC 2000 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREEN MAGIC irischgrünmetallic S644 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite GREENSTAR 1900 javagrün S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR 4000 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR mangorot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HARD FLOOR permuttsilbermet. S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 10/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 5000 safrangelb S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 10/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 mangorot S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO 700 palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 08/2003 01/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HAUS & CO palmengrün S716 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 10/2004 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HEALTHY CLEAN lotosweiß S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HERA melonengelb S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite HOMECARE sprintblau S6290 Vacuum cleaners 03/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER I indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIAN SUMMER II indischrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 09/2006 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S544 Vacuum cleaners 06/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S571 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2006 050 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite INDIGO indigoblau S744 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JANUS capriblau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JASPER pistaziengrün S6290 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JAZZ PLUS alu-silber S371 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite JUBILEE silver passion S5210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 04/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite KONA obsidianschwarz S8390 Vacuum cleaners 10/2012 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION champagnermet S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite LIMITED EDITION königsblau S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite M.A.X. mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC BLUE 700 bleu lumiere S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MAGIC MINT 700 mintgrün S710 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2008 06/2009 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MANGO 1900 mangorot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2011 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 08/2006 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER schwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2007 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 12/2006 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MATCH WINNER tiefschwarz S4211 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 10/2006 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS lotosweiß S5281 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 09/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 12/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5280 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 02/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 5000 PLUS polar ice S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 brillantweiß S728 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 700 PLUS brillantweiß S718 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2004 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 lichtblau S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 01/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS brillantweiß S828 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR 800 PLUS polar ice S828 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 06/2005 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/1999 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2001 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 09/2002 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 04/2003 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S638 Vacuum cleaners 03/2002 03/2003 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S648 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S838 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDICAIR PLUS brillantweiß S848 Vacuum cleaners 03/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC brillantweiß S518 Vacuum cleaners 02/2004 08/2005 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MEDIVAC polar ice S518 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 11/2006 050 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MERCURY achatgraumetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 05/2005 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR A burgunderrotmetallic S524 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 06/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR M sienarot S511 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S511-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite METEOR ME tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MIXTURA bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOMENTUM PLUS sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 10/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA D tropcgrün S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA LX tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512 Vacuum cleaners 02/2000 04/2001 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA M sienarot S512 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 06/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA MX lichtblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONDIA N tropicgrün S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 04/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2004 050 Suction hose CA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MONTE VERDE irischgrünmet. S538 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 05/2006 050 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MOONLIGHT perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 08/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S2 S2131 Vacuum cleaners 05/2013 01/2015 040 Suction hose
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite MY MIELE S4 S4213 Vacuum cleaners 07/2013 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NEPTUNE türkis S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite NOBLESSE goldbronzemet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 04/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OCEANITO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 11/2006 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OECO safrangelb S5411 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 08/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2120 Vacuum cleaners 10/2009 04/2011 040 Suction hose BR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OLYMPUS lotosweiß S2121 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 08/2011 040 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA lavagrau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 09/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA PLUS perlmuttsilbermet. S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OMNIA SILENCE PLUS goldbronzem S724 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite ONYX tiefschwarz S6270 Vacuum cleaners 09/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S644 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPAL opalgrün S844 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2003 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite OPTICLEAN 5000 stahlblau-met. S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2010 01/2015 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PACIFIC POWER capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 2000 mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 07/2006 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 brombeerrot S4212 Vacuum cleaners 11/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 electricblue S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose RS
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 04/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 09/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose UA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 königsblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 06/2009 12/2009 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 4000 lavagrau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 12/2009 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 königsblau S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 09/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 500 tiefschwarz S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 01/2002 01/2003 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 02/2008 12/2012 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 06/2012 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 königsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 könnigsblau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 06/2012 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2007 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5261 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose NO
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 lavagrau S5281 Vacuum cleaners 05/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose CL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 11/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 mangorot S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 08/2011 060 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 03/2008 08/2011 060 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 03/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 königsblau S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2003 06/2004 050 Suction hose TR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 03/2004 12/2005 050 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 06/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 03/2004 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 königsblau S826 Vacuum cleaners 02/2003 08/2003 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO 800 tiefschwarz S826 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 05/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO el.blue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue met. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 12/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO electricblue-met. S514 Vacuum cleaners 01/2004 04/2006 050 Suction hose MX
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 02/2005 08/2006 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 12/2000 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 09/1999 07/2001 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S624 Vacuum cleaners 06/2000 11/2000 050 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO PLUS königsblau S626 Vacuum cleaners 05/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT & CO tiefschwarz S4280 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 10/2006 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2008 03/2009 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S711-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 07/2010 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT 700 königsblau S762 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 06/2012 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT mangorot S711 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 12/2005 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT PLUS capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 07/2007 08/2008 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT POWER mangorot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2007 09/2008 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose HU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT SPECIAL obsischwarz S771 Vacuum cleaners 08/2012 01/2015 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT XL mandelbraun S6240 Vacuum cleaners 03/2011 04/2012 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 el.bluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 4000 electricbluem. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 02/2009 060 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO 6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 10/2010 08/2014 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 sprintblau S6240 Vacuum cleaners 02/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 01/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARKETT&CO.6000 tiefschwarz S6240 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 08/2014 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 500 indigoblau S518-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 6000 sprintblau S6210 Vacuum cleaners 05/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 06/2004 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 karminrot S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 01/2006 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET 700 tiefschwarz S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 04/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET alu-silber S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET capriblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 11/2008 060 Suction hose TW
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 03/2006 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose HK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose SG
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 05/2007 060 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET electricbluemet. S4211 Vacuum cleaners 01/2007 12/2008 060 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET indischrot S4211 Vacuum cleaners 10/2006 08/2008 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 08/2002 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S512-1 Vacuum cleaners 04/2002 08/2002 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET karminrot S834 Vacuum cleaners 08/2002 06/2005 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4210 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 09/2006 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET königsblau S4211 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 09/2008 060 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 09/2004 08/2006 060 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET POWER tiefschwarz S761 Vacuum cleaners 02/2010 06/2012 050 Suction hose IE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUET tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 06/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PARQUETT & CO PLUS royal blue S624 Vacuum cleaners 12/1999 07/2005 050 Suction hose AU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PASTELITO melonengelb S4210 Vacuum cleaners 08/2004 01/2007 060 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 12/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEARL METALLIC POWER S712 Vacuum cleaners 05/2003 07/2004 050 Suction hose KR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S510 Vacuum cleaners 08/2001 07/2002 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PEPPERMINT PLUS vert menthe S511 Vacuum cleaners 04/2001 08/2001 050 Suction hose FR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2100 el.blue-met. S749 Vacuum cleaners 09/2003 02/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 06/2005 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 09/2006 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2300 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2004 05/2005 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 04/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 05/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose PL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PERFORMANCE 2500 indischrot S749 Vacuum cleaners 06/2005 07/2007 050 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 10/2005 050 Suction hose BE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM METALLIC POWER S711 Vacuum cleaners 06/2003 08/2005 050 Suction hose ZA
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose ES
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose GR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose IT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PLATINUM SILENCE AUTOMATIK S748 Vacuum cleaners 09/2002 08/2003 050 Suction hose PT
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4212 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POLARIS lichtblau S4282 Vacuum cleaners 10/2008 10/2008 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 bahamablau S380 Vacuum cleaners 09/2006 12/2009 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 08/2005 06/2006 050 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 maisgul S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 melonengelb S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER 1800 polar ice S380 Vacuum cleaners 03/2005 07/2006 050 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER CLEAN HEPA tiefschwarz S718-1 Vacuum cleaners 05/2009 08/2009 050 Suction hose SE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite POWER PLUS 5000 tiefschwarz S5211 Vacuum cleaners 12/2010 06/2012 060 Suction hose GB
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM brombeerrot S762 Vacuum cleaners 12/2009 04/2011 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PREMIUM mangorot S772 Vacuum cleaners 01/2013 01/2015 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA eisgrünmetallic S712 Vacuum cleaners 04/2004 12/2004 050 Suction hose CH
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 01/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose DE
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 04/2007 060 Suction hose CZ
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 02/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose FI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 03/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 04/2006 01/2008 060 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5220 Vacuum cleaners 05/2006 09/2006 060 Suction hose RU
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 01/2008 04/2011 060 Suction hose DK
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose HR
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite PRIMAVERA mangorot S5221 Vacuum cleaners 03/2009 04/2011 060 Suction hose SI
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite QUARTZ lotosweiß S6270 Vacuum cleaners 08/2011 01/2015 060 Suction hose US
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RAFFINESSE bicolor S712 Vacuum cleaners 01/2003 03/2004 050 Suction hose NL
9442601 Tubular handle anthracite RED MOON indischrot S4210 Vacuum cleaners 01/2005 07/2005 060 Suction hose DE
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